Mother Mother TV
Assorted episodes and TV show ideas that may or may not be picked up by OWN one day
What’s Growing On?
Originally called The Sunday Spin, and intended to be a monthly(ish) talking love note about all things Garden, What’s Growing On? is Mother Mother’s candid reflections and celebrations of whatever is on her heart as it relates to this immersive life experiment called the Garden. Softening her labors, Mother Mother no longer sets a calendar rhythm for these episodes—they come when they come. Ever-dreaming of more ways to honor the soft-time majesties of life in the Garden, What’s Growing On? is offered as another way for creators seeking to be a part of the happenings in the Garden, even if you don’t catch every email, follow the thread of our prompts and invitation, or attend labs. Something is always growing on in the Garden. You are right on time, in your soft time!
2022 What’s growing On? index
Episode 3: Sunday 11 September 2022: Mother Mother is warmed by the magic of the pop-up work-along for the Sistership Enterprise. She celebrates the power of our stories to nourish ourselves and each other. She delights in the upcoming juiciness for the Fall Garden, and makes announcements about practices that are continuing and those that will be emerging in the new season.
Episode 2: Sunday 14 August 2022: Mother Mother explores the expansions possible with soft-time and collaborative-time creation. She shares what’s been growing on in the Summer Garden + introduces the magic that is the Creator Story Lab! + shares current integrations of the Sitting With The Mothers practice. Mother Mother also celebrates herself for producing the first Fertile Nebula love note!
Episode 1: Sunday 10 July 2022: Highlights from opening week of the Summer Garden + magical moments with creators + evolutions in Sitting With the Mothers + preparing for new collaborative-time gatherings this week: The Fertile Awakenings Story Lab & Sensual Movement Magic.
Real Talk with mother mother
Mother Mother gets real about the Garden, life as bush mama, fertility and more!