Dancing Mother presents

Mother Brings Herself Back To Life

A Soft-Time Performance Installation Portal
Opens September 2024

With fertility there are no promises…only possibilities.

In the immediate years after birthing Revelation, her 4th baby, Mother Mother survives another season of successive protostar births. When the starseeds on their way to becoming human transition early, the blood flows for days. The embers burn slowly even after the fire ceremony to say goodbye is over. Mother Mother’s movements overflow with the energy of the saltwaters that she has no room to cry amidst the dizzying swirls of her days as a multitudinous mothering entity. In her grief, in her uncertainty, in her exhaustion, Mother Mother dances and gives her heart the ability to just be with it all and to just feel all there is to feel. Surrendered and at the bottom of life once again, she asks the mothers—the unseen spiritual council that dances the eternal ringshout around her and all her creations— What will it take to feel alive, to give birth, again? The mothers reveal a specific movement sequence for her to do and give their blessings. They remind Mother Mother of what she learned long ago as an invisible mother birthing the many starseeds who returned to the light before her first child was born, “With fertility there are no promises…only possibilities.

MOTHER BRINGS HERSELF BACK TO LIFE is a collection of movements and moments from Mother Mother’s year-long revival communion to restore her fertility and to open the way for the next starseed that she can sense is coming. Traversing the messy, daunting, exhilarating labors that are intrinsic to recovering faith in her fertility after the recurring protostar births, she finds an abundance of space to process, commune, and feel confident in coming back to the altar of possibility again, the sacred space where all starseeds begin their existence. The soft-time performance evolves as a series of Mother Mother’s most intimate labors, dance rituals, and dreams. MOTHER BRINGS HERSELF BACK TO LIFE is an immersive movement installation that invites each witness to consider what labors are essential to the expansion of their fertility and to the activation of everything—and everyone—they know they must birth.

Dancing Mother presents

Mother Brings Herself Back To Life

A Soft-Time Performance Installation Portal

When: September 2024
Where: Online & In Your Heart
Who: Witnesses who feel the Yes
Registration: Opens September, request an invitation below

What is a protostar birth?

A protostar is a star on its way to becoming. Our sun, now a main sequence star, was once a protostar. A protostar birth is when a mother gives birth early, before having the opportunity to give birth to the miracle of human expansion, because that newly evolving life has transitioned inside her womb. 

What is a Multitudinous Mothering Entity?

A mother who moves through the world and navigates spaces while attached to or in close, physical proximity of her children.

What is soft-time?

Mother Mother lives in soft-time, and so do most of Dancing Mother’s performances (…for now, while Mother Mother is crafting softer, more expansive worlds for multitudinous mothering entities). Soft-time is self-directed engagement; individually determined engagement, “in your own time” frequencies. The portal will be accessible for a window of time, and witnesses will receive a love note (email) when it’s time to tune in to the performance.

What is a soft-time performance installation portal?

An interactive platform for self-guided, continuous engagement inside a Dancing Mother performance. The installation portal simulates an immersive moment for the witness who gets to design their viewing experience in the order they desire and at the pace that makes them happy. It includes protostar birth resources, movement prompts, recordings, and other tools to support witnesses in deepening into their own fertility consciousness.

request an invitation to the soft-time performance installation portal