Temple Talks
Immersive Soft-time Experiences with Mother Mother’s Life stories & Teachings
In this first edition of Temple Talk, Why I Dance With The Sun, Mother Mother shares the evolutions, matter, and meanings of her sacred sunrise dance communion. Join Mother Mother in the Temple Talk portal over 4 consecutive Sundays in March for a soft-time, virtual experience. Learn more and choose your adventure!
About Temple Talks
Temple Talks are immersive soft-time experiences that take participants inside a particular element of Mother Mother’s life and teachings. Temple Talks are presented as temporary portals of engagement where attendees can journey inside a talk with Mother Mother and explore a curated movement constellation related to the theme of the talk.
Attendees of Temple Talks are consciously and lovingly pouring into and expanding the resources that directly assist Mother Mother in building and sustaining the Dancing Mother Temple. The funds generated through the Temple Talk programs enhance Mother Mother’s abilities to nurture wellness, softness, and spaciousness for her mothering and family-tending labors. Offerings in the Temple are sacred and are only intended for those who have consented to receive the offerings by registering to participate in this experience with Mother Mother. Mother Mother is full of gratitude for everyone who supports the essential, spiritual, artistic, and archival labors of Dancing Mother by participating in Temple Talks.