Temple Talks

Immersive Soft-time Experiences with Mother Mother’s Life stories & Teachings

In this first edition of Temple Talk, Why I Dance With The Sun, Mother Mother shares the evolutions, matter, and meanings of her sacred sunrise dance communion. Join Mother Mother in the Temple Talk portal over 4 consecutive Sundays in March for a soft-time, virtual experience.

Why I Dance With The Sun

Temple Talk + Movement Constellation

Sundays: March 9 + March 16 + March 23 + March 30

Soft-Time + Virtual

Film still from In The Light Of Day

“I amplify the absorbency of the sun’s medicine when I’m dancing…”

In this first edition of Temple Talk, Mother Mother shares the evolutions, matter, and meanings of her sacred sunrise dance communion. She reveals how dancing with the sun became an essential part of activating her fertility superpowers and birthing her children earthside. She takes us on a magical storytelling adventure through the origins of Booty Folklore to recover her fertility majesty after grief and despair, the first sunrise dance in India nearly 2 decades ago, the early stages of the sunrise practice when she began her priestess initiation as a mother of two, and the development of the protostar birth consciousness.

Mother Mother shares the intimate parts of how she dances through her days and prioritizes accessing the sun’s bounty amidst the swirling and dizzying realities of life as a multitudinous mothering entity. She traces the expansions born from dancing with the sun through years of movement rituals and experimentation, and the messy and miraculous seasons of heartbreak, fear, growth and discovery.

In Why I Dance With The Sun, Mother Mother centers her devotion to her fertility, and the long labor to make a way for her starseeds. The movement constellation accompanying the Temple Talk brings together excerpts and dance performances spanning more than 15 years Mother Mother’s work and practices. Through it all, she invites us to consider what becomes more possible in our own lives and dreams when we accept that everything, and everyone, we create must come through our holy, radiant bodies.

“If your body is dense and heavy with the unexplored stories of your life, the movement is a soft way in…”

Choose your adventure!

The Temple Talk happens in soft-time and is accessible virtually. The viewing portal is open each Sunday from 8am ET to 6pm ET. Attendees will receive a special access link for each Sunday that they are participating in the Temple Talk. Mother Mother invites you to choose the experience that feels like a Yes for you!


Star Experience: $45
March 9

Film still from Why I Dance With The Sun

Accessible March 9

  • Why I Dance With The Sun, pre-recorded talk, film run time: 37 minutes 

  • In The Light Of Day, excerpt from a sunrise movement practice, present day, film run time: 7 minutes 

  • Morning Sunrise, a restorative morning dance flow after a night of intense dreams, present day, film run time: 6 minutes

Constellation Experience: $80
March 9 + 16

Film Still from Wake Up And Dance

Accessible from March 9 and following Sunday

  • Every element of the Star Experience

Accessible March 16 

  • BootyMa Makes The Sun Rise, full Booty Folklore 2012 performance in NYC, film run time: 16 minutes

  • Wake Up And Dance, morning dance practice with the munchkins, present day, film run time: 6 minutes

Galaxy Experience: $250
March 9 + 16 + 23 + 30

Film Still from Mother And Children In The Wild

Accessible from March 9 and following Sundays

  • Every element of the Star Experience

Accessible from March 16 and following Sundays

  • Every element of the Constellation Experience 

Accessible from March 23 and following Sunday

  • Practice Guide for Why I Dance With The Sun

  • Bella In The Sunshine, dancing on the Mall as an invisible mother recovering from a protostar birth in 2010; film run time 7 minutes 

  • Mother And Children In The Wild, dancing with munchkins on the Mall, present day, film run time: 15 minutes 

Accessible March 30

  • Call & Response Portal: Mother Mother answers participant questions and expands on stories from the movement constellation 

  • LIVE talk with Mother Mother on Sunday 3/30 @ 4pm ET (will not be recorded)


Film still from Bella In The Sunshine

“You can be with whatever brings you to your truth, to that heart space of pure consciousness…for me it’s the dance.”

Choose your adventure!

The Temple Talk happens in soft-time and is accessible virtually. The viewing portal is open each Sunday from 8am ET to 6pm ET. Attendees will receive a special access link for each Sunday that they are participating in the Temple Talk. Mother Mother invites you to choose the experience that feels like a Yes for you!



About Temple Talks

Temple Talks are immersive soft-time experiences that take participants inside a particular element of Mother Mother’s life and teachings. Temple Talks are presented as temporary portals of engagement where attendees can journey inside a talk with Mother Mother and explore a curated movement constellation related to the theme of the talk.

Attendees of Temple Talks are consciously and lovingly pouring into and expanding the resources that directly assist Mother Mother in building and sustaining the Dancing Mother Temple. The funds generated through the Temple Talk programs enhance Mother Mother’s abilities to nurture wellness, softness, and spaciousness for her mothering and family-tending labors. Offerings in the Temple are sacred and are only intended for those who have consented to receive the offerings by registering to participate in this experience with Mother Mother. Mother Mother is full of gratitude for everyone who supports the essential, spiritual, artistic, and archival labors of Dancing Mother by participating in Temple Talks.