Binahkaye means “mother of mothers” and “dancing mother.”

Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy is an afrofuturist bush mother of 5 children born earthside, and many more starseeds that returned to the light before they could be known in this world. She dances the ringshout to make a way for her children, and for all of her creations. She is ever dancing, so she is ever birthing.

Mother Mother is a dancing mother, fertility priestess, sacred nourishment practitioner, ringshout synergist, sovereign birthkeeper, and a midwife of the long labor. She cares deeply for the mothers in her village and facilitates spiritual soft-houses for the devotion and elevation of fertility radiance, birth labors, mothering arts, creative wellsprings, and sistership regeneration. Mother Mother cultivates soft-time initiation portals for creators who want to be witnessed and supported as they learn how to live courageously and joyfully inside the majesty of their fertility.

Mother Mother is a multitudinous mothering entity and a full presence mother. She is an essential nourisher and has provided primary sustenance by nourishing one or more babies from her body daily for more than 11 years now. Mother Mother and her children activate expansive, kinetic, imaginative spaces wherever they go. She nurtures radical brilliance, kindness, curiosity, and intuitive explorations at Wildseed, her family’s learning lab practice.

Mother Mother is a budding astronomer and studies the phenomenal correlations between the expansions of star systems and the possibilities of our fertility codes. She is a writer, communiographer, and fertile soundscape artist. Mother Mother is the mother tree of many creations including the Fertility Abundance Garden, the Sacred Nourishment Freedom Map, Mother Space Luminaries, Garden House Press, Joy Beams Creations, and the Living Birth StoryWell. For more than two decades she has been growing the spiral movement galaxy that is Dancing Mother, and initiating and archiving the evolution of the Majestic Mother Core mmC movement methodology.

Mother Mother is currently at home in Washington, DC where she lives with her co-creator Bushman and their children, Bloom, Wonder, Jubilee, Revelation, and Luminous Glory. Together they tend the love story that is The Family Dances, a boutique movement, capoeira and wellness enterprise. She is co-watering the tender, magnificent becoming of Sweet River Midwifery, a sistership enterprise with Asha Tané. Mother Mother travels the globe dancing with her family and making a more joyful life for mothers everywhere.


Explore Dancing Mother’s creation Stories

Discover Dancing Mother’s Open Portals


MOTHER BRINGS HERSELF BACK TO LIFE is a soft-time performance installation portal that opens September 2024. Learn more



As long as I have my body, I have everything.

Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy