How Can You Live Inside Your Stories?
Welcome to Imagine Your Birth T.R.E.E.S., a soft-time, seed exploration portal. This is a journey toward more depth and expansiveness as you activate ways to embody the majesty of your birth stories. This practice honors all birth stories and offers story prompts and activation questions to support your explorations. You are invited to feel into your Yes at all times, to follow the stories that open up in your heart, and to discover what is generative from there.
Mother Mother is developing an immersive program and soft-time practice portal to bring more light and possibility to the Birth T.R.E.E.S. practices. There will be a combination of collaborative-time and soft-time engagement opportunities. Stay connected to the process and submit an interest form for the Birth T.R.E.E.S. Spiritual Forest Immersion program.
Explore the Practice
Mother Mother welcomes you into the seed exploration of the Birth T.R.E.E.S. practice. You are invited explore these offerings in as many ways as feel good to you. Your stories, questions and feedback are welcome!
Mother Mother is preparing to open the Birth T.R.E.E.S. Spiritual Forest Immersion program for mothers who want to explore the Birth T.R.E.E.S. practices with collaborative-time (live) gatherings and in communion with other creators. The Forest experience will also include an extensive soft-time practice portal and a resource center to support creators in developing, expanding, and bringing their sacred stories to life. Program registration will open later this summer. To stay connected and be informed of program developments as they unfold submit an interest form for the Birth T.R.E.E.S. Spiritual Forest Immersion program.