the mothers
The mothers are a spiritual council of mothering entities that encircle me at all times and reflect the majesties of my possibilities to me in every moment. Oftentimes, when in I am in open company, I use more broad language like “spirit” or “intuition” to refer to the mothers. But I’m always speaking of the mothers.
The mothers are made up of ancestral mothers, some known, some I don’t. The hearts on my wall in my Dancing Mother sanctuary/home studio all represent the mothers. Some of them are from my womb-line. Some mothers are from distant lands and galaxies. I am still coming into full consciousness of who they all are. But I imagine that at all times I am surrounded by the mothers. When I pray it is the mothers who are listening. When I dream, it is the mothers who are revealing their vast future-scapes to me, as offerings for what I might do with this bright light called my life.
In this space, for the first time in my life, I am collecting the stories about how I came to know the mothers. I am re/membering stories and moments from my birth, and pre-birth, and girlhood, and on and on until now.