{Love Note} Seed & Spark + Fertile Majesties Revealed
Lift, self portrait | Barefoot on soft grass is my happy place! The National Mall is as close as I can get to the sunsation of being at a beach. It’s wide, open, and the horizon is far off in the distance. I always dance when I am here.
textual transmission + voice recording 26 november 2021 | original soundtrack 29 september 2020
Fantastic Fertile Friday, Fruitful Creators!
What is something you can share with someone else today?
What is a word/phrase/idea that no longer holds true for you?
What is your favorite girlchild memory?
This week in the Garden has been full of deepening, expanding, sharing, seeding, and growing. I am full of gratitude for all of you and all we are creating together. Thank you for being here!
I am soooo excited! We have a name for our new journal! Seed & Spark: Journal of the Fertility Abundance Garden will be where we share stories about the magic of the Garden with the world. I welcome questions, ideas, and feedback as this new entity comes into being. Thank you for all the name suggestions and offers of presence over the last few weeks of feeling into the Yes for the title of our journal. The Yes arrived last night after watching a video I recorded on the day I first got the inspiration for the journal. I listened to myself and wrote echoes in my journal. When I witnessed myself inside that initial enthusiasm for the dream, the title fell into place in my heart, and the Yes was bright, clear, and pulsing strong.
Seed & Spark will be publicly accessible through the Fertility Abundance Garden homepage, and those who want to keep up with the goings on of the Garden, or who are considering joining, will be able to get a better sense of our vast creation realms. Are you interested in writing or contributing to Seed & Spark? Creators who have visions for pouring into our journal will be welcome to do so. I look forward to sharing more about these possibilities soon!
For nearly a month now we've been having a slow-winding dialogue in Fertile Majesties about what the space means to creators and how it nourishes sacred story sharing practices in the Garden. Reflecting on everyone's shares, I arrived at a luminous clarity this week about the essential role Fertile Majesties plays in our congregation and how it represents a space where we can be in a sustained, soft-time circle with each other.
If the Garden is a house, then Fertile Majesties is a warm, intimate den with lots of pillows, blankets, comfortable sofas and lounge chairs. There is a cozy fire in the winter, and in the summer the den opens out to a wraparound porch with swings and rocking chairs. No matter the weather, Fertile Majesties is where we feel soft and safe to open slowly and gently into the heart and depth of our sacred stories. It is where we leave our precious shares for our sisters to lovingly witness them in their own soft time.
Fertile Majesties isn't where everyone in the Garden feels called to be, and that's also a part of the expansive beauty of our Come As You Are way of life. For creators inside Fertile Majesties not everyone shares their stories, and not everyone comments on the stories that are shared. The space is soft, like all parts of the Garden.
Every seed grows in its own time. Seeded over a year ago, Fertile Majesties is like a sprout now rising above the soil. With this tender emergence I am getting a better glimpse of what Fertile Majesties is and I am understanding the unique dimensions it nurtures for us as a sistership.
This moment of revelation in Fertile Majesties is a reminder to celebrate the slow-growing things in our lives too. Sometimes in the swirl of this speed culture, things and people--and mothers--who move slowly are overlooked, dismissed, unwitnessed. Witnessing the majesty of slow evolutions is another way to deepen into abundance consciousness. Celebrating the sweet, subtle unfoldings in Fertile Majesties, and everywhere in the Garden, helps me practice being present with multiple forms of abundance at all times. Being with the expansion of Fertile Majesties is another way for me to "live inside the majesty of my fertility every day".
{If ever you do feel the Yes to join the Fertile Majesties portal, send me a WhatsApp message and I'll add you to the group.}
On Monday 11/29 @ 6pm EST we gather for Soils Lab with Araba: 'Anna Tulla': A Poetic Inquiry Into Loving Our Holdbacks. See your email for password + link. Araba shares more:
Uneasy to pee outside under the sky, my little girl self, hidden behind bushes, held back. Witnessing and mattering my holdback, mom showed it love by gently speaking to it. Her softly repeated “Anna tulla, anna tulla” (“Let it flow, let it flow” in Finnish) is what my holdback yearned to hear, lovingly affirming me to feel free to let go. In our Monday lab we will create a loving space to matter and deeply listen to the holdbacks we have grown familiar with.
Thank you Araba for sharing your brilliance and magic with us! This is going to be a powerful lab!
Dancing Mother is the long-seeded, newly-sprouted home of my life’s work, sacred stories, and movement creations. I invite you to feel for your Yes and become a sacred witness of my labors to birth this spiral movement galaxy. A few months ago I wrote about the Future Of Movement In The Garden and now I am celebrating that the future is here! I’m so excited to journey deeper into Dancing Mother. Birthing the Garden helped me prepare the soil for Dancing Mother. Your love, witnessing, and presence supported me in finding my way. I am soooooo grateful! Here I grow!
Have you joined a Sustainability Circle for the Garden? Your contributions in all ways are much needed and appreciated. Thank you to all who help sustain and grow the Garden. I feel your love and presence in every way!
Please take from these offerings only what you need for your Yes, and leave all else behind.
I love you & I celebrate you!
Original email sent 26 November 2021 | {hello Creators} Seed & Spark + Fertile Majesties revealed + Soils Lab w/ Araba: 'Anna Tulla' on Mon. 11/29 @ 6pm EST
In The Abundance Of One, Mother Mother celebrates the first sacred witness joining Dancing Mother, and the evolution of her own abundance consciousness in being able to feel into the majesty of one Yes.