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Sensual Movement Magic w/ Netsenet

In the first session of Sensual Movement Magic, Netsenet welcomes creators to the practice and introduces the roots of her emerging movement methodology, Sensual Fluency.
This session is open to creators in the Creators Circle + Sanctuary Circle.

Netsenet Ghiday
Netsenet is a dancer, doula, blood rites priestess, and thriving sexual abuse survivor exploring ways to deepen in her healing journey by using creative expression and sisterhood as tools of transmutation magic for continued transformation. She is developing her self sovereignty by curating sacred spaces to heal out loud, in community with other Creators in the Garden, and with her platform, Sacred Womb Works. You can also follow Netsenet on Instagram @fairywombgoddess.

A space for Creators to explore their sensuality & activate their sensual magic through movement and the art of sacred adornment.