Dancing Mother

 the giving well

nourishing joy & wellness in our giving


we are discovering how to feel well in every exchange.


sustainability circles

Sustainability Circles support the continued expansion of the Fertility Abundance Garden, Dancing Mother, and Mother Mother’s wellness and family labors. To join a Sustainability Circle creators are invited to commit to a minimum contribution of $10/month. Your recurring offering assists Mother Mother in operational expenses to produce and protect her sacred content, and creates more sustainable resources for Mother Mother and her family.

Participation in the Sustainability Circles is anonymous. Participants in the Sustainability Circles receive a personalized, annual thank you letter from Mother Mother and periodic updates about how the contributions in the Sustainability Circles are nurturing developments in the Garden and Dancing Mother. Thank you for joining a Sustainability Circle!


every offering adds to the whole.

make a donation


watch + Listen to the evolution of the giving well!



Soundtrack | DJ Mother Mother Be Courageous Beats | Download | Text

It has taken me this whole first year of rooting in the majesties of the Garden to feel for the softest, and most generative process to welcome offerings in this way. In this video I share how the Giving Well connects to our seed Enterprise: My fertility sustains me. I speak about the Garden being a place where we are deepening in the creation of new worlds, developing our sistership economies, and celebrating our sacred story sharing currencies.

I spent more than a year feeling for and following a thread of possibility that didn't entangle us further in systems that harm us, exploit us, and deflate our energies. In this way, the Giving Well is very much a prayer for us to feel well as we give, to practice participating in exchanges that are initiated by our YES, and to consciously pour into spaces and opportunities that really do nourish our soil as creators.