raw scenes
how to be a mother
Mother Mother warms up for movement lab with the munchkins before beginning the session.
Learning how to share the space with my children is a central element of my creation rhythms. Being away from my children so that I could nurture my artistry has never been a real option for me. Understanding this early on—and then coming to deeply appreciate the expanded possibilities that being in constant proximity to them gave me—I began experimenting with how to be immersed in my creative practices while mothering. I dance when breastfeeding and babywearing. I map out workshops while cooking. I develop characters for my stories while changing diapers. I compose songs while doing laundry. Every moment becomes a fertile moment to create, and as my children grow older and more engaged as collaborators in my creative process, I realize more and more that being with them all the time enhances my creations. Noisy, demanding, and full of their own visions for what this moment can hold, they are also very generous with their ideas, questions, interpretations, and imagination. Being inside my creation rhythms when I’m with them is another way to access the abundance of my fertility.
Soundtrack | Boddhi Satva & Maalem Hammam Belma Belma (Cueber & Vanco Remix)