“How do you have time to create/dance/write/dream—with kids?”
The journey to answer this question, or some variation of it, in these years of being and becoming a mother inspired even more questions, and a deepening commitment to really look at how I mother. The more I opened up the how, the more multidimensional my answers became. There was no one way to explain it all, and I grew weary of trying to squeeze my story into a sound bite. I started dreaming of a way to tell multiple pieces of the story alongside each other. This led me to How To Be A Mother.
Both a disruption of the myth that being “just a mother” is limiting, and an intentional centering of the brilliance, majesty, and power of my maternal intelligence, How To Be A Mother discovers the stories underneath the moments that have fascinated, confounded, isolated, illuminated, exhausted and empowered me along the way.