Dancing is how I make space for my starseeds to grow


Inside the Creation Stories of Dancing Mother


Dancing is how I make space for my starseeds to grow

a moving Pictures essay by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy

All of creation begins in an expansive, fluid, wordless space.

Before there are vowels and consonants, nouns and verbs, before there is subject and predicate, metaphor and meaning—there is the generous, omniscient, animating force of life.

When I am dancing I am in touch with this primary source of creation, and all of my creations are seeded in this consciousness.

My fertility, and every miracle born of me, begins here, inside my movements.

My starseeds first reveal themselves to me in the dance, and in these movement communions I discover the way to bring them forth.

Dancing is how I make space for my starseeds to grow, and for my body to carry them, and for my labors to birth them.

Moving, spinning, bouncing, swaying, rolling, rocking, twisting, bending—every motion brings me into a joyful reverence and holy collaboration with the majesty of creation.

The more I dance, the more I feel. The more I feel, the more I know.

Images for this moving pictures essay sourced from Revival 8th: Time stretches when you’re dancing




Inside the Creation Stories of Dancing Mother


Binahkaye Joy