Dear Phenomenal Creator,
Thank you for being a part of the Fertility Abundance Garden and for consciously choosing to be a part of this congregation for creators. Your presence here, as you are, is deeply honored and valued. Our stories are our wealth, and you being here adds to our collective abundance.
I invite you to sit with the YES in your heart space and confirm your conscious participation in the Fertility Abundance Garden.
The Garden is sourced by loving acts of self-direction. You are invited to come as you are, always. You are welcome to be witnessed and celebrated in your sacred labors as a creator. We have multiple portals of engagement, and you are free to move and explore at your own pace and in ways that feel most authentic to you. You will be reminded again and again that you are abundant, right now, as you are!
Being a part of this congregation means taking radical responsibility for your power and possibility as a creator. This looks different for every creator. Being in the Garden also means being lovingly witnessed as you discover your path.
If all this feels good to you and you feel called to be a part of this congregation for creators, then confirm conscious participation to join the Creators Circle or Nebula Circle.
Mother Mother
To join the Garden, you must confirm conscious participation, represented in the graphic above by the area inside green circle. When you confirm conscious participation you will choose whether you join the Creators Circle or the Nebula Circle. Creators are welcome to move back and forth between circles as needed.
creators circle
The Creators Circle is for creators who want to be a part of the active discovery, play, experimentation, and story sharing spaces that the Garden nurtures. Creators are free to engage in any realm of the Garden at their desired level. Being in the Creators Circle means you can shape your own experience in the Garden and that you have access to:
Creators in the Creators Circle have access to:
Creators Portal
Love notes (weekly emails) from Binah
Garden email thread
Invitations and links to collaborative-time (live) labs and gatherings
WhatsApp Groups (see below)
Creators Shared Diary
Nebula Circle
Creators in the Nebula Circle have access to:
Creators Portal
Creators Shared Diary
Labs and gatherings by request only
about the creators portal
The Creators Portal is the living archive of (nearly) everything that is generated in the Garden. It documents the experiment and evolution of the Garden and tells the stories of the new worlds we are dreaming forward. The Creators Portal houses our recorded movement sessions, dance videos, creator talks, workshops, fertility talks, fertility sermons, music sets mixed by Mother Mother’s fertile soundscape artistself, Spiral BootyMa that are available to download, story prompts from creators, seed discoveries, the Creator Directory, and so much more. As the Garden expands, the Creators Portal will grow with it.
about the whatsapp groups
The WhatsApp Groups are open to creators in the Creators Circle only. Creators are welcome to join one, or more, or none.
Creators Channel
This group is for sharing everyday life moments with each other. We share links, music, pics and video clips of scenes from our days. We post references to films, podcasts, articles, books, etc. We also share Garden updates + highlight creator offerings + facilitate soft-time practices and prompts + send announcements for labs. This group is great for creators who don't read their email but want to stay in the know.
Fertile Majesties
This group is for initiating and extending deep dialogues. We ask juicy questions, offer tender reflections, and continue stories sparked in labs and private moments in an open listening room for the Garden. We sit with curiosities and extract meanings that become more accessible in the slow, deconstructed flow of ongoing, unhurried conversations.
Sistership Enterprise
This group is for sharing resources, strategies, progress reports, learning moments, and dreamscapes connected to seeding and nurturing our personal enterprises. We witness, celebrate, suggest, question, and inspire each other in the long labors of growing our programs, products, and platforms.
I confirm my conscious participation in the Fertility Abundance Garden. I know I am always welcome to come as I am and to take what I need. I understand that I am welcome to be here for as long as I feel the Yes, and that I am also free to leave if I want to.
I understand that the Garden is a living system of healing created and sourced by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy's evolving dreamscapes and fertility superpowers. I understand that not all parts of this system will resonate or be nourishing to me as a creator, and that there is space for me to matter and express that too. I understand that I can offer my own spiritual practices and rituals to the Garden if I feel it nourishes me as a creator and that they could be generative for others.
I understand that the Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, and a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. I understand that I am free to bring myself, wholly and truly, to the Garden, and that no one will ever force or shame me into participating in anything that is not a full Yes for me.
I understand that the Garden is a soft-house for black women, and centers the stories and legacies of black women. I understand that the Garden creates radical visibility for the majesty of our fertility as creators, our labors to cultivate our fertility superpowers, and the diverse applications of our sacred fertile matter--our eggs, ovaries, and wombs--towards the brilliant creation of everyone we birth and everything we create.
I understand that the Garden lives in soft-time. I am invited to live and engage here at my own pace, always centering my Yes. I understand that everything in the Garden is an invitation, and that there are no mandates or expectations. I understand that I am free to engage as deeply or lightly as I feel called to. I understand that the Garden is a home, and that because I feel called to be here, a space for me has already been made.
I understand that if ever my Yes shifts I can leave the Garden by Rejoicing and letting Mother Mother know that following my Yes means moving out of the Garden.
I understand that the Garden is a holy place where everyone matters, and that being here means that the bounty of my presence as I am is honored and cherished in all ways.
I understand that if I have questions about anything or if I am confused about anything, I can ask questions. I understand that I am worthy of support, patience, and love at all times, and that the Garden is overflowing in these things for me.
I understand that I am invited to pour into the Garden's sustenance and make contributions at the Giving Well whenever I feel the Yes to do so and have the capacity to do so. I understand that my presence in the Garden is not determined by what I can or cannot give.
I understand that the Garden is an experiment and is constantly evolving. I take responsibility for staying informed about the Garden's growth and that my continued presence here means that participating in the Garden is still a Yes for me.
privacy, access & Sharing
Our Stories Are Our Wealth. Please ask the creator of any share or offering that you feel moved to share with others who are not in the Garden about how she feels about you sharing her ideas/work/offering. Many times the creator will be honored that you want to share or cite her. It’s always best to check in with each creator about her intentions for her creation.
We generate an abundance of tender, vulnerable, powerful, and moving stories and creations in the Garden. As creators, we are responsible for communicating how and where we want our work shared. Please practice honoring your shares and the shares of other creators in the Garden at all times.