Our fertility sustains us.
Welcome Beautiful One! You have arrived at the Front Porch of the Fertility Abundance Garden. One of our evolving dreamscapes in the Garden is that one day we’ll have a big Garden House where we live and create together, and the front porch of this house is where we’ll gather for communions, laughter, food, and stories while the kids can run and play in the gigantic, fenced in yard. It will be glorious!
In the meantime, we welcome you to expand your delights in the Garden by exploring our virtual Front Porch. This portal is where we introduce creators to the Garden and invite new and returning creators to discover the many possibilities of life in the Garden. From the Front Porch you can join the Garden by confirming conscious participation whenever you feel a Yes in your heart to be here. The invitation is soft and open, and it will not expire. Take your sweet time. We will be here, growing, evolving, and living in this abundance! Enjoy the discovery and thank you for being here!
How to join the Garden
A place for you has already been made.
If you feel the Yes to be here, you are invited to confirm conscious participation to join the Garden as a creator. Confirming conscious participation is your acknowledgment that you want to be here and that you want to share in the majesties of our sacred stories, creations, and sistership. Everything in the Garden is an invitation. There are no mandates here. Confirming conscious participation does not obligate any part of your time, energy, or resources. You are free to engage as deeply or minimally in the Garden as nourishes your spirit as a creator.
do you need support?
The Garden is a sacred sistership.
We are here to support you in your journey of discovery in the Garden. Is this a space that can nourish and water your soil as a creator? We are excited to help you find out!
The Garden is a multidimensional world with creators who cultivate brilliance in a diversity of ways. That said, we are constantly reimagining and designing our practices and offerings to be as accessible as possible to creators with different needs. If there is any part of our entry process that feels challenging, confusing, or inaccessible to you—or if you just want to have a conversation with us before joining—please reach out and reserve an information session at the hello Creators welcome circle. All questions are celebrated and serve as fertile beginnings toward deeper understandings of our magical Garden world! Here we grow!
a fertile soundscape
Spiral BootyMa (formerly known as DJ Mother Mother Be) is Mother Mother’s fertile soundscape artist self. Spiral BootyMa curates aural stories and listening journeys through sounds and tunes that transport creators to other worlds. Each fertile soundscape is an invitation and an adventure. Listen, dance, dream, write, play, explore…enjoy the discovery!
Soundtrack | Kokoroko Abusey Junction | Yazmin Lacey 90 Degrees | Nicola Cruz Criançada (con Castello Branco) | Mlindo The Vocalist Emakhaya | Sara Tavares Balance | Mamani Keita Douba | DJ Maphorisa, Kabza De Small, Bontle Smith Lerato | Download
There’s all sorts of things that impact the soft morning.
And that’s what I love about the soft morning—
Because it’s not static.
It’s not going to be the same everyday.
I don’t know what my life is going to look like
when I wake up.
I have no idea how the day is gonna go.
And this allows me ultimate possibility
because anything can happen…
anything is possible…
Maybe not everything I want will happen,
but I start the day off knowing that it’s possible.
And that possibility creates
a warmth.
Creates more softness.
Creates optimism.
Creates a sense of excitement—
like, “This is an adventure.
What can come from this beautiful day?”
come as you are
Come As You Are is a central pathway of initiation into the Garden sistership. Every creator journeys into the possibilities of Come As You Are in their own way, at their own pace. There is no right or wrong way to be inside your initiation. For many creators, it takes multiple seasons, multiple orbits (years) even, to fully embrace, trust, and live Come As You Are. In this talk from the opening of the Summer 2021 Garden, Mother Mother shares the meaning and intentions of Come As You Are as a way of life in the Garden.
Our stories are Our Wealth
When you confirm conscious participation your shares are used to generate your Creator Introduction in the Garden’s Sistership Enterprise Creator Guidebook. Once you’re in the Garden you’ll be supported in developing your Creator Story. To get a sense of how your story will be shared, read Mother Mother’s Creator Introduction + Creator Story in this excerpt of the Creator Guidebook. Our Creator Guidebook is the one “place” in the Garden where we all “meet.” Everyone is invited to “show up” by sharing some of their stories, pictures, and dreams with the sistership. Our Creator Guidebook is one of the central ways that we collectively hold our soft, magical world together.