Creators Talking to Creators

The hello Creators welcome circle is sourced by a devoted group of creators who love the Garden and want to support other creators in feeling for their Yes. In the Garden we enjoy holding space for others to find their joyful and authentic way inside our magical world. Are you curious about life in the Garden? Are you thinking about joining and want to get a sense of what being a member means? Are you already in the Garden and want support getting a better understanding of the possibilities here? Do you need assistance navigating your Creator Story? Then hello Creators is here for you!

You are invited to set up your own one-on-one session with any of the creators listed here. Once your meeting is confirmed, that creator will send you the link for your virtual meeting. You are welcome to meet as many creators as you like. Enjoy the discovery! Thank you for being here!

Mother Mother shares her journey of birthing the Fertility Abundance Garden, stories of the Garden’s evolution over its first few years, and her visions for the future of this congregation. She welcomes questions and explorations from creators who are in the Garden or who are thinking of joining the Garden. Mother Mother helps creators understand the Garden’s expansive relationship to soft-time and collaborative-time. She introduces creators to Come As You Are and Our Stories Are Our Wealth as core practices of Garden life. Mother Mother is also excited to support creators wishing to confirm conscious participation with an interview.

Zindzi holds space with creators wanting to explore how to find your way in the Fertility Abundance Garden and growing into its pillars: come as you are, our stories are our wealth, and feel into your YES. Zindzi is also able to support creators with confirming conscious participation.

Netsenet is our Garden Fairy. As our Sacred Scripture Archivist & Fairy Womb Goddess & Juicy Pleasure Priestess, Netsenet is fluent in archiving labors + sacred blood wisdom + sensual alchemy. Her contributions to The Garden include the Self-Love Soiree Practice Portal and Sensual Movement Magic which have become beloved staples in our community. Netsenet knows firsthand what it’s like to hold yourself back from sharing your creations out of fear and doubt. She’s had a transformational experience in the Garden that has inspired + empowered other Creators. She loves supporting Creators to access their inner wealth and embrace their magic so they can share their sparkling creations in the Garden and revive their dreams. Netsenet is also happy to support creators confirming conscious participation.