you are a creator & all your creations must come from you.
The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, an open dreamscape for sacred storytellers. This is a holy space for those who want to activate their wildest fertility and creativity dreams.
Who or what are you birthing?
Where do your sacred stories live?
What dream, what passion, what vision is always on your mind and on your heart?
our stories are our wealth.
You are already abundant as you are. When you bring your brilliance and creativity to the Garden, we are all nourished. It is through our generous, transparent, and vulnerable sharing that we are able to expand and access more and more capacity to create. We are seeding the abundance with our bodies, our stories, our wisdoms, our dreams. If you feel at home here, then stay, then share, then become. Let's see what else we can grow.
we are growing a new world here.
The Fertility Abundance Garden is an active laboratory for creating new economies and heart-centered models of sustainability for humanity. Our discoveries are inspired by and rooted in love, sistership, and maternal intelligence. We are consciously disrupting capitalism, developing new language for our labors as creators, and seeding generative ways of living and thriving in sacred communion with each other.
The Fertility Abundance Garden creates opportunities for deep reflection, self-discovery and conscious creation. Each offering is an invitation to transform, enhance, and radically reimagine your fertility dreams and abundance consciousness.
Soften the soil of ourselves so that more creations can grow
Explore the majesty of our bodies as holy sites of creation
Discover authentic narratives with practices that stretch us as writers, storytellers, and dreamers
Learn new tools for decoding, understanding, processing, and sharing our sacred stories
Activate pathways of abundance that are sourced from the wealth of our stories
Experiment with applications and integrations of abundance consciousness in everyday life
Cultivate the expanse of our sistership so that we can continuously grow together, and grow well
Celebrate the long labors of being and becoming our radiant, brilliant selves
Live from the Yes, in every way.
Embrace the freedom to engage with the magic of the Garden in whichever ways we feel called to for our journey as a creator
IS THERE A COST TO join the garden?
The Fertility Abundance Garden is a world rooted outside of capitalism. We do not rely solely on transactional relationships or “F.E.E.s”— fixed equivalency exchanges—when sharing our heart-brilliance, sacred labors and offerings. Rather, we nurture round creation currencies and invite creators who feel the Yes in their heart to pour into our process and programs from the bounty of their presence, and in whichever ways feel good to them. As such, there is no square currency (cost) to become a creator in the Garden.
Yes, there are expenses to making the magic happen and donations are always welcome. To make a contribution in support of Mother Mother’s labors and the sustenance of the Fertility Abundance Garden, please feel for your Yes and visit the Giving Well.
“Through experiencing the garden, I was able to reanimate what joy feels like in my body!”

I choose to believe in the abundance of my fertility.