Reconfirm Conscious Participation

Your presence is the gift.

Thank you for being a creator in the Fertility Abundance Garden! Every year active creators are invited to reconfirm conscious participation to reaffirm your Yes for being a part of this congregation and to consciously give your consent for participating in the cultivation of our abundance. Please reconfirm by March 31, 2023 to continue as a creator in the Garden.

You are reconfirming conscious participation because:

  • Participating in the Garden is a conscious choice that you are responsible for communicating to our congregation.

  • The Garden is continuously evolving and you get to be informed about these changes.

  • Reconfirming conscious participation every year is an opportunity for you to reflect deeply on what being in the Garden means for you and if it still nourishes you as a creator.

  • You are excited to continue being a part of this experiment and discovering the many possibilities of this abundance that we can grow together.

A place for you has already been made.

If you feel the Yes to be here, you are invited to reconfirm conscious participation to continue being a creator in the Garden. Everything in the Garden is an invitation. There are no mandates here. Reconfirming conscious participation does not obligate any part of your time, energy, or resources. You are free to engage as deeply or minimally in the Garden as nourishes your spirit as a creator.



Why we reconfirm conscious participation

Consent is essential.
Every orbit (year) we check-in with each creator to see if being in the Garden is still a full-bodied, emphatic Yes for you. Reconfirming conscious participation is how you give your full consent to be a part of our congregation.

Sistership is teamwork.
It’s not enough for Mother Mother to know you’re here. Everyone needs to know who’s in our circle, and it’s your responsibility to communicate your presence in our sistership. Reconfirming conscious participation is the ONE place/practice/process in the Garden that everyone engages with their presence.

Life changes.
Your Yes can shift and morph with labors, time, and opportunities. The Garden honors this natural evolution of things and gives everyone space to be clear about what is true for them. Reconfirming conscious participation is how you clarify whether or not the Garden is still where you want to be as we enter a new orbit.



How to reconfirm conscious participation

There are 3 ways to reconfirm conscious participation: in writing, orally, or with an interview. Choose the way that is best for you and your needs as a creator. If you have questions or need support email or send a voice note to Mother Mother.



Creator understanding of engagement

I confirm my conscious participation in the Fertility Abundance Garden. I know I am always welcome to come as I am and to take what I need. I understand that I am welcome to be here for as long as I feel the Yes, and that I am also free to leave if I want to.

I understand that the Garden is a living system of healing created and sourced by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy's evolving dreamscapes and fertility superpowers. I understand that not all parts of this system will resonate or be nourishing to me as a creator, and that there is space for me to matter and express that too. I understand that I can offer my own spiritual practices and rituals to the Garden if I feel it nourishes me as a creator and that they could be generative for others.

I understand that the Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, and a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. I understand that I am free to bring myself, wholly and truly, to the Garden, and that no one will ever force or shame me into participating in anything that is not a full Yes for me.

I understand that the Garden is a soft-house for black women, and centers the stories and legacies of black women. I understand that the Garden creates radical visibility for the majesty of our fertility as creators, our labors to cultivate our fertility superpowers, and the diverse applications of our sacred fertile matter--our eggs, ovaries, and wombs--towards the brilliant creation of everyone we birth and everything we create.

I understand that the Garden lives in soft-time. I am invited to live and engage here at my own pace, always centering my Yes. I understand that everything in the Garden is an invitation, and that there are no mandates or expectations. I understand that I am free to engage as deeply or lightly as I feel called to. I understand that the Garden is a home, and that because I feel called to be here, a space for me has already been made.

I understand that if ever my Yes shifts I can leave the Garden by Rejoicing and letting Mother Mother know that following my Yes means moving out of the Garden.

I understand that the Garden is a holy place where everyone matters, and that being here means that the bounty of my presence as I am is honored and cherished in all ways.

I understand that if I have questions about anything or if I am confused about anything, I can ask questions. I understand that I am worthy of support, patience, and love at all times, and that the Garden is overflowing in these things for me.

I understand that I am invited to pour into the Garden's sustenance and make contributions at the Giving Well whenever I feel the Yes to do so and have the capacity to do so. I understand that my presence in the Garden is not determined by what I can or cannot give.

I understand that the Garden is an experiment and is constantly evolving. I take responsibility for staying informed about the Garden's growth and that my continued presence here means that participating in the Garden is still a Yes for me.



do you need support?

The Garden is a sacred sistership.

We are here to support you in your journey of discovery in the Garden. Is this a space that can nourish and water your soil as a creator? We are here to hold space with you as you find your way.

The Garden is a multidimensional world with creators who cultivate brilliance in a diversity of ways. That said, we are constantly reimagining and designing our practices and offerings to be as accessible as possible to creators with different needs. If there is any part of our reconfirmation process that feels challenging, confusing, or inaccessible to you—or if you just want to have a conversation with us before reconfirming—please reach out and a session at the hello Creators welcome circle. All questions are celebrated and serve as fertile beginnings toward deeper understandings of our magical Garden world! Here we grow!