Our fertility is our superpower
/// multitudinous mothering entity /// A mother who moves through the world and navigates spaces while attached to or in close, physical proximity of her children. Italicized words expanded on in the Glossary.
Our fertility is our superpower
by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy
How we feel about our fertility affects everything else in our lives.
Our fertility is everything, the source of every creation, every birth, every dream. It matters how we feel about it, how we live inside its majesty in our day to day frequencies. Our fertility, when we are in love with it, waters us and sustains us. And when we are afraid of it, or feel shame, anxiety, or disconnected from it, we see those same energies rippling out in our lives in so many other ways.
When creators tell me that they feel stuck, or stagnant, or bored, or unfulfilled in their lives, my first thought is to get a sense of where they are in relation to their fertility dreams. Are they feeling in alignment with their passion? Are they suppressing something that has been on their heart for years? Are they denying themselves an inevitable and essential grieving labor because they don’t want to feel whatever has hurt them any more? Are they presenting themselves one way in the world, to their family, to their partner, and yet feeling like a whole other secret person on the inside?
Our fertility is our superpower, and how we apply that power shapes our reality. Imagine trying to hold back an ocean wave. How much force does it take to resist what naturally wants to, needs to, flow? That’s what is happening when our fertile energies are calling forth from within to be expressed, and we ignore the intuitive signs that something, or someone, is ready to be born. It takes so much from us to deny what wants to be realized. The physiological, emotional, mental, and spiritual consequences of not nurturing our fertility can have lasting and devastating impacts. At the same time, our willingness to embrace a new way forward in how we activate our fertility superpowers is a core part of our magic as creators. We have the capacity to reimagine, to rebirth, to reclaim our fertility whenever we are ready to do so.
“When creators tell me that they feel stuck, or stagnant, or bored, or unfulfilled in their lives, my first thought is to get a sense of where they are in relation to their fertility dreams.”
Our fertility is our greatest resource and it is relevant all the time. We grow, we change, we try, we reach, we fall short, we mourn, we regroup, we cry, we laugh, we love, we rage, we feel, we know. Our bodies are transformed through it all. And at the center of these long, sacred labors is our fertility, a potent, life force so ancient we can trace it back to the beginning of all beginnings. Before words, before time, before language and planets, before suns and moons—there was this energy of creation. We come from that. We are that. How can we not matter it, trust it, live inside of it? We must. Our fertility is the surest way to our freedom, to our joy, to our abundance.
The substance of our deepest, most courageous dreams is housed in the same place where our brilliant bodies code and preserve the possibility of our future children—the eggs in our ovaries. As a fertility priestess and dancing mother I study movement patterns and creation pathways that amplify our awareness of our dreams, and the cosmic and biologic application of moving our bodies in spaces and in ways that cultivate a radical and embodied presence with this power.
Vast as our creations codes are, this looks differently, and feels differently for everyone. I enter through the dance, I enter through stories and space holding with mamas. Yours might be through having your feet on the earth, your hands in the dirt. Hers might be through painting or drawing or building with her hands. Another sister’s might be through designing spaces, curating menus, bringing people together for celebrations. The ways of our creativity is infinite. And being in community with other creators is a generative way to be in touch with our own fertility, especially when we’re feeling like we can’t readily access it.
“Before words, before time, before language and planets, before suns and moons—there was this energy of creation. We come from that. We are that.”
Energy is never lost or destroyed, only moving constantly from one form to another. As creators, we are responsible for this vital energy, however we choose to engage with it. We are responsible for who and what we birth, and for who and what we deny. We are responsible for the stories we tell and for the stories we keep hidden inside the uncertain promise of tomorrow. We are responsible for the music we compose, and the songs we are too nervous to sing out loud. The energy of our creations does not, cannot, go away, no more than the ocean can cease its tidal dance, or the tree can resist the sun’s food for its growth. Our fertility, and everything it wants to bring forth, is always with us in one way or another.
It is my belief that unrealized creations find new homes in our bodies. These homes might take the form of a fibroid or a cyst. They might present as a headache or elevated blood pressure. They might take up space as achy joints or heavy bleeding every month. They might find their way into our lungs and make every breath more heavy than the one before. The energy of what we are called to create must live somewhere, and if not outside in the fullness of its divinely intended iteration, then it radiates its determination from somewhere within our bodies.
This is why our fertility is a superpower for us to choose what we do with it. Do you want to be somebody’s mother? Do you want to write a book? Do you want to visit every continent? Do you want to tell stories that move humanity? Do you want to heal the family wounds of your childhood so your kids have a new narrative? Do you want to grow food in your backyard? Do you want to archive your great-grandmother’s healing remedies? What is it? What is calling you, gnawing at you from the inside? What keeps you up at night, or is right there when you wake up? This thing, this energy, this is your fertility inviting you to have more meaningful and loving interaction with it. All these dream spaces are connected. If you can feel it, then you can know it. If you can sense it, you can follow that holy thread into the realization of creation.
What is your fertility offering you? There is a gift, a joy, a whole life ready to expand in delicious ways before you. It’s all here. It’s all yours. It’s all you. What will you do with your superpowers? Your fertility is ready for you.
“The energy of what we are called to create must live somewhere, and if not outside in the fullness of its divinely intended iteration, then it radiates its determination from somewhere within our bodies.”