Posts in Fertility & Creation
Giving birth is a matter of life and death {Essay Sketch #1}

Two months before giving birth to my 5th baby, I stumbled across some heartbreaking news. A childhood friend of mine had passed away suddenly from complications from childbirth. It was her 4th child. She had died two years before and I was only just now learning of it after a seemingly random search of her name online. I can’t tell you why she crossed my mind that day, but she did. I haven’t been able to look up anyone else from my past since…

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Our fertility is our superpower

Our fertility is everything, the source of every creation, every birth, every dream. It matters how we feel about it, how we live inside its majesty in our day to day frequencies. Our fertility, when we are in love with it, waters us and sustains us. And when we are afraid of it, or feel shame, anxiety, or disconnected from it, we see those same energies rippling out in our lives in so many other ways…

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