Book of Mother Mother: A photo essay of my journal archive


/// multitudinous mothering entity /// A mother who moves through the world and navigates spaces while attached to or in close, physical proximity of her children. Italicized words expanded on in the Glossary.



Book of Mother Mother

A photo essay of my journal archive

by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy

“What if these stories that I’ve preserved are not even for me to look at? What if my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren are going to comb through my stories and piece this stuff together? What if my labor is to gather them, and keep them in a place where they can be found some generations forward. What if the processing of it, and deciphering of it is going to be in the next century, in the next millennium…”
Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy


I have over 20 years worth of journals. These are most of them, but not all of them.

Not pictured are the journals in boxes in my mother’s garage.


Also not pictured, journals that were destroyed or thrown away, because I didn't think I could bear to revisit their contents.

Also not pictured, millions of bytes of photos, videos, voice recordings from my digital archive.

Our stories are our wealth. And we inherit our mothers stories.

Each journal is a collection of moments, of stories. Some I cherish. Some make me cringe. Some make me time travel. Some make me dream.



My body holds all of my stories. The journals are placeholders for memories that might otherwise fade with time.

These books, these volumes of my life have followed me everywhere I go. I have been sure to preserve them, to treasure them. More and more I wonder, “what will happen to my stories if all these journals go away?”

In some of these pages, in some of these lines, I don’t even recognize myself. But I know it was me. I know my handwriting.

Some of these I have not opened in over a decade. What will it take to look through it all? Is that really my labor to do?

I have remembered myself in such deliberate and remarkable ways. Will something come from all of this? I think so. I feel so.

My stories are a comfort. They are a resource. They are mine.



About Mother Mother

Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy is birthing Mother Space Luminaries and creating a more beautiful world with mothers in mind. She is devoted to holding space for the mothers, and dreaming up innovative ways that everyday life moments can be softer, sweeter, and nurture more lovingly vibrant realities for mothers who want to live in the majestic fullness of their being.

Mother Mother is a spatial architect, dancing mother, fertility priestess, spiritual midwife, sacred nourishment practitioner, afrofuturist bush mother, ringshout synergist, and radiant superconductor of divine creation intelligence. She cares for the mothers in her village by creating soft spaces for them to (re)discover the bounty of their wildest fertility dreams… Read more

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