Posts in Practice & Process
Softening The Soil: On Nurturing Gentle, Restorative Dialogues About Our Fertility

The Garden is teaching me so much about finding soft, gentle ways into our deepest, most intimate fertility narratives. Opening up and becoming more receptive to the internal dialogues we have with ourselves and each other as creators is one way we transform and reimagine our relationships with our fertility and creativity. Being able to access and articulate what we truly feel and how we want to create is vital to sustaining a healthy flow of our creations and nurturing optimal wellness as a creator…

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Book of Mother Mother: A photo essay of my journal archive

What if these stories that I’ve preserved are not even for me to look at? What if my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren are going to comb through my stories and piece this stuff together? What if my labor is to gather them, and keep them in a place where they can be found some generations forward. What if the processing of it, and deciphering of it is going to be in the next century, in the next millennium…

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