Make a joyful noise! Welcome to the Open Studio!
Inside the Creation Stories of Dancing Mother
Being & Becoming
Make a joyful noise! Welcome to the Open Studio!
by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy
The Open Studio series is a part of a larger body of work that Mother Mother is dreaming into and gathering materials for called Mother Brings Herself Back To Life. The Open Studio is an experiment in sharing elements of the revival movements that have come to Mother Mother in her private, nighttime dance communions with other dancing mothers in public and virtual community spaces. In addition to developing content for the future soft-time performance installation Mother Brings Herself Back to Life, the Open Studio series gives Mother Mother practice in producing soft-time performances that have a hybrid collaborative-time (face to face) component as well. Mother Mother is deeply fascinated by how we can stretch, split, and fracture time. How can this one moment be realized as many moments?
The Open Studio experiments expand inside explorations and creation methodologies for Mother Mother’s evolving soft-time performance installation, Mother Brings Herself Back to Life.
Mother Brings Herself Back to Life exists as 4 concurrent time parallels that tell stories of Mother Mother reviving herself after feeling like she is dying. One of these parallels is the Now parallel and the Open Studio is a movement constellation within that parallel.
The Now parallel gathers dances born of Mother Mother’s present day realities where she engages in daily revival labors, is still acclimating to new life rhythms and is rediscovering her body again after birthing her 5th child.
The first Open Studio activated October 2024. Visit the archive for Open Studio #0001: Make a Joyful Noise!
The Open Studio is an ongoing series with new invitations and activations each month. Subscribe to Dancing Mother to be the first to know about upcoming studios. Enjoy the dance!