How can technology support you in birthing your dreams?

Join the Fertility Abundance Garden for our inaugural Tech Dreams Week, happening over a multitude of platforms Tuesday February 22nd through Saturday February 26th. This exciting week of immersive, multi-dimensional programs is for all creators in the Garden. Guests are also welcome to participate.

Our theme is Emancipated Time & The Freedom to Create. For 5 days we’ll explore the many ways technological applications give us more options in how we shape our lives, our creations, and our relationship with time. Our questions, stories, resources, experiments, practices, language development, and idea mapping will help us expand our understandings of diverse technologies and how they can support us in living our dreams and sharing our work with the world.



why tech dreams week?

In a few months the Fertility Abundance Garden will be TWO YEARS OLD!!! In preparation for this momentous point in our evolution as a virtual congregation and sanctuary, we are taking a deeper look into all of what goes into growing and sustaining this magical world many creators call “home.” How do we nurture an intimate, loving community—during a pandemic—even though we don’t share the same time and space? What design elements support connection and communion across our sistership? How does technology give us more room to play, create, experiment, and develop our work as creators? What questions are seeding generative discoveries into all the ways we can apply strategic technologies in the realizing of our dreams?

Our Tech Dreams Week is a celebration of curiosity, and a chance to demystify the complex components that come together to make the Garden a very real place for the creators who live, create, heal, and dream here. If you are in the Garden and want to learn more about how we sustain the magic, or if you’re thinking of joining the Garden and want to spend some time communing and connecting—Tech Dreams week is for you!

is there a cost to participate in tech dreams week?

The Fertility Abundance Garden is a world rooted outside of capitalism. We do not rely solely on transactional relationships or “F.E.E.s”— fixed equivalency exchanges—when sharing our heart-brilliance, sacred labors and offerings. Rather, we nurture round creation currencies and invite creators who feel the Yes in their heart to pour into our process and programs from the bounty of their presence, and in whichever ways feel good to them. As such, there is no square currency (cost) to participate in Tech Dreams Week.

Yes, there are expenses to making the magic happen and donations are always welcome. To make a contribution in support of Mother Mother’s labors and the sustenance of the Fertility Abundance Garden, please feel for your Yes and visit the Giving Well.



program at a glance

Honoring the Occasion + Mattering* Our Tech Dreams
Tuesday 2.22 {Soft-Time}
In this opening talk, Mother Mother shares the origin story of Tech Dreams Week. She speaks about critical connections between how we relate to time and how we experience the abundance of our creation majesties.

Virtual Tour of the Garden
Wednesday 2.23 {Soft-Time}
Mother Mother creates an in-depth portrait of the various technology applications that sustain the Garden. She highlights the intentional design strategies that support autonomy, virtual intimacy, and collaborative dreaming.

Finding Our Story with Creator Netsenet
Thursday 2.24 {Soft-Time}
Peeling back the layers of Netsenet’s journey to transform her website into a space that truly reflects all she is wanting to share with the world, Mother Mother creates an opportunity for identifying Netsenet’s heart-story and suggests practical pathways to reimagine the online home for her business, Sacred Womb Works.

Tech Dreams Lab
Friday 2.25 @ 4pm-6pm EST {Collaborative-Time}
Creators bring their stories and curiosities about technology and how they are navigating the possibilities. Mother Mother holds the space for more questions, idea-sharing, and expansions on discoveries made during Tech Dreams Week.

Leaving Social Media
Saturday 2.26 {Soft-Time}
Mother Mother opens up about leaving social media 4 years ago and traces the generative evolution that led to the birth of the Fertility Abundance Garden.