join the movement
The Fertile Freedoms Movement is a lifestyle transformation process that invites you to center your fertility, amplify your fertility radiance, and bring your wildest fertility and creativity dreams to life.
are you ready?
fertility abundance garden
share your fertility story
attend a fertile freedoms show
what is fertility radiance?
Fertility abundance + Liberated action
Fertility Radiance is the source of our power as creators. Fertility Radiance is generated when we embrace the reality of our fertility abundance and commit to moving through everyday with liberated actions that are fully aligned with our fertility dreamscape.
who needs fertility radiance?
creators, mothers, women…you!
Fertility Radiance nurtures and sustains our fertility wellness as we navigate life’s inevitable unknowns and perpetually shifting opportunities. A consciously nurtured fertility radiance practice allows us not only to thrive as creators, but to also enjoy a happy, peaceful, and generative reality with our wombs and other creation spaces.
“I see myself as mother because of the inclusive work that Binah has done for years.”
our fertility is our superpower
our stories connect us to something larger than ourselves

share your fertility story
working together to raise awareness
The Fertile Freedoms Movement is cultivating fertility radiance by bringing greater visibility to the multitude of fertility narratives in our world. Our stories are some of our greatest resources. Sharing them with others can be life-changing and life-saving for the ones telling and the ones listening.
what are you going to do with my story?
We’re creating a meta-storyboard as part of the Fertile Freedoms Movement and the Fertile Freedoms Listening Party. Your story, with your consent, will be woven into various audiovisual elements of this project in ways that support expanding language, memory, and understanding of how mothers and women shape, activate and transform our fertility and creativity dreams.
fertile freedoms listening party
an online performance & storytelling event

an intimate live performance from the comfort of your couch
Join us for our first season of the Fertile Freedoms Listening Party. The theme is The Other Postpartum: Recovering Our Fertile Radiance After Loss. Performed online as a live dance and immersive storytelling event, The Other Postpartum features movement and fertility stories about Binah’s creative restoration practices in the days and weeks following a miscarriage. Sharing intimate details of the physical, emotional, and spiritual labors she activated to open the way for conceiving again, Binah takes viewers on a fascinating journey inside her fertility dreamscape.