Abundance Is The Root Of Freedom
Hello Radiant One! Welcome to Seed & Spark: Journal of the Fertility Abundance Garden. Thank you for being here and witnessing our labors to share our sacred stories. Our stories are our wealth and in the Garden we are discovering the bounty of our stories and how to apply that wealth to the cultivation of our abundance. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, and a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more about the Garden or to join as a creator, please visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center. If someone forwarded this post to you and you want to receive your own, subscribe to Seed & Spark and receive the Fertile Friday love note every week that highlights new shares in the journal. So much life, labor, and love goes into creating and sustaining the Garden and everything we share. The Garden is sustained by the kindness and generosity of creators and supporters. If any part of our magical world touches your heart and nourishes your being as a creator, please do pour into our Giving Well or join a Sustainability Circle today. If you are already contributing to our bounty, THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE!
Abundance Is The Root Of Freedom
Fertile Friday Love Note
Listen + dance along to the Fertile Friday love note. Soundtrack posted below.
By mother mother binahkaye joy
6 + 7 May 2022
Happy Fertile Friday, Magnificent Creators,
When you close your eyes, what do you see?
How much space in your body do your secrets take up?
To what do you give your full consent?
Welcome to Abundance Is The Root Of Freedom. Abundance is the root of freedom. I greet you from the early morning, pre-circus majesties of MotherMotherland. Munchkins are slowly waking up one by one. I’m nursing Revvy, who is still arriving into this new day. I’ve been dancing inside my sunrise communion, although it’s cloudy in my part of the world, so it was a cloudy sunrise, but a sunrise nonetheless. Because it’s still day. It’s still light out. And the sun’s light makes that possible. And so, yes, here we are.
Welcome to another week of expansion, growth, celebration, healing, majesties, and possibilities inside the Fertility Abundance Garden. I’m sitting with the different types of conversations and openings and discoveries that have been happening around the Garden this week. I’ve had beautiful conversations with creators, some who are currently in the Creators Circle this season, some who are not in the Creators Circle, but who have cycled through other seasons and who are updating me on the beauty and the developments happening and growing in their lives. I’ve also been listening to the powerful illuminations from creators who have been sitting with deep, deep labors of discovery, of healing, of transformation, and listening to the brilliance as it’s being born inside their language, inside their hearts. That is such a deep honor.
It’s one of my—well everything is my favorite thing in the Garden! So, I can't say it’s one of my favorite things. Everyone knows I love voice notes. I love listening in slow time to our conversations. We don't have to {rush} because, life! Time, schedules, moving around, doing all the things. We can’t always meet up on the phone and talk in collaborative-time. Or we can’t always be on Zoom, or in each other’s living room or, sitting around the kitchen table or something. Voice notes allow for these really soft, expansive conversations to happen in slow {soft} time. You get to hear what someone is saying fully without inserting yourself into their conversation. They get to hear you, and then you get to replay it back. So I am celebrating juicy voice notes exchanged over this week, and really celebrating the growth and the expansion that is happening in so many different ways from personal healing discoveries, to large, seismic, world-shifting revelations that are happening in people’s lives, in their careers, in their studies, in their enterprises, in their dreaming, in their relationships. There’s so much growth, so much to be with.
Italicized words defined and expanded on in the glossary
Have you recently or previously joined the Garden?
Welcome home, Beautiful Creator! If you feel the Yes in your heart and you’re ready to experience more engagement in the Garden, connect with other amazing creators, attend our live gatherings, and access the magic of the Creators Portal, please visit the Sanctuary to complete the process for joining the Creators Circle. In the Sanctuary you can confirm or reconfirm conscious participation. If you are joining the Garden for the first time, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center to begin your journey. Thank you for being here!
Today’s love note is inspired by the movement illuminations that came to me from the sunrise communion. I am a dancing mother. As a dancing mother, I move with intentional presence and engagement inside every part of my life. I move and I dance to discover the fertility possibilities, to discover my fertility codes, to discover the ways of my creation majesties. I’ve been doing this for years and I’m growing into the language around it. Part of my process is to dance into my understandings, into my clarities. Anything on my heart, I dance. Any confusion, or anything I’m sitting with, or anything that’s partially revealed in my intuition but I’m seeking further understanding, I dance and the fullness arrives.
That’s where we are now. I’m fresh out of the movement communions and the language that came, the scripture that came, is Abundance is the root of freedom. I have a sacred texts book where I create, where I capture these downloads, and these scriptures as the sermons are being born. I write, and I notate, and I draw, and I doodle, and I color. And my children also color and scribble all over my brilliance. So it’s becoming a collaborative, sacred texts book. Today’s blessing, today’s gift from the movement, is abundance is the root of freedom.
“Part of my process is to dance into my understandings, into my clarities. Anything on my heart, I dance. Any confusion, or anything I’m sitting with, or anything that’s partially revealed in my intuition but I’m seeking further understanding, I dance and the fullness arrives”
How did I arrive there? I was dancing inside the frequencies of freedom and seeing that the liberated— well I’ve created…so there’s more language that’s come that I’ll write and explore later—but one of my labors is to really dream into a liberated learning playscape, and a liberated labor landscape, for my family, for my children, for all the things that we are creating. With the liberated learning playscape, that’s related to Wildseed, our family learning lab. The liberated labor landscape, that’s everything. I’m always dreaming of ways that we can be developing our enterprises, generating sustenance, generating revenue in ways that are rooted in freedom, in ways that do not cause harm to our majesties, to our fertile, creative possibilities, to our abundance.
As I was dancing, I was feeling the deep connection between all things. All freedom is connected. All freedom is inviting us to consider the ways that liberation can happen in every aspect of our lives. So, whether we are preserving our fertility freedom, or honoring the ways to preserve Mother Earth and the land and the water, or whether we are advocating for foodways freedom in our communities, or whether we are cultivating freedom for our children and their learning, it’s all connected. Whether we are supporting mothers to birth freely, and in their sovereignty, every labor of freedom brings us to the whole of it. What I felt into as I was dancing is that abundance is the source of that capacity to be free. Abundance is the imprint of creation, that sets forth the way of freedom, to be continuous, to be expansive, to be regenerative. Abundance, says there are many possibilities. There are many pathways.
Fertile Friday Love Note Soundtrack | T.Kolai Congo | Profound Nation Ibuto (Main Mix) | Blue Lab Beats Pineapple (feat. Moses Boyd + Nérija) | Rema & Becky G Dumb (Remix) | Sade, Karizma Stronger Than Pride K2’s Fo’ Sho Edit
Story behind the cover photo: Paining the Alphabet Wall, part 2: Months ago we added the uppercase letters to the wall in my room. This week, when Bushman took 3 of the munchkins to the library, Wonder (the photographer) and I started the lowercase alphabet wall in his room. When the others got home and saw all the paint out, they wanted to join in. We had finished more than half of the wall, but there were still enough letters for everyone to have a turn. On the plates we mixed lots of cool colors. Everyone got to pick which color their letter would be. Read the full story, Learning how to paint with 4 children, at Wildseed..
Abundance is the way that freedom can be realized. And then, I come back to this dream for the Fertility Abundance Garden, which is a space where we get to dream out loud, where we get to witness each other in our labors, where we get to celebrate the micro, micro tiny, tiny progress of all things, where we get to be loved on and held and seen and echoed and affirmed in our brilliance. All of these things are in the spirit of reclaiming our natural way of freedom, reclaiming our natural inclination, our original, I should say, our source imprint. We were born of abundance. We started out in our mother’s ovary. Our first, elemental, matter form was as an egg in our mother’s ovary. We were one of 2 million possibilities that our mothers were born with. The whole story, the whole way we came was through abundance. We came as one of many, many possibilities and that doesn’t stop. The freedom to explore all possibilities at all times is what keeps us in the way of abundance, in the light of abundance, in the rhythms of abundance.
In the Fertility Abundance Garden, we are experimenting. We are exploring, we are playing, we are dreaming. We are creating safe spaces for the recovery of these dreaming muscles, for the witnessing of these dreaming labors, that are essential, that are necessary for the continued experience of freedom, or for the recovered the experience of freedom. My offer, my invitation, to every creator who’s in the Garden, or who is a friend of the Garden, or is curious about joining, or deepening their journey inside the garden, is to see the Garden as a space to support the the rehabilitation of the dream, the capacity to dream. To be a space where you can experience the power of your dreams, even as a seed, even as an idea, even as an intention, even as a vision— for you to experience the abundance and the potency of your dream as it is.
Coming back to Come As You Are. it’s for you as a creator to come as you are, but it's also for your dream to come as it is, for your visions to come as they are. They are already so majestic, so abundant, so powerful, so radical, so revolutionary, so healing. Whatever it is that you have poured into it with your heart-brilliance, it already is, it already is a reality, it already is an expression of your divine creation intelligence. And in the Garden, you get to be held, and celebrated, and supported through all the labors of becoming and being inside the fullness of that dream— whatever it is you’re birthing, the fullness of your dream, the fullness of your creation, the fullness of the children you are calling forth, the fullness of the relationships you are nurturing and cultivating. Everything is possible, and you get to be loved on through the labor of the possibilities.
“What I felt into as I was dancing is that abundance is the source of that capacity to be free. Abundance is the imprint of creation, that sets forth the way of freedom, to be continuous, to be expansive, to be regenerative. Abundance, says there are many possibilities. There are many pathways. ”
We are making more and more discoveries, and developing methods, and feeling our way into more expansive realities. We are nurturing our abundance, and we are mattering and centering the labors of that process. And it’s yielding. We are experiencing more freedom in all ways, from the subtle to the very obvious. I invite anyone who is feeling for how they experience more freedom in their lives, in their creations, in their labors— I invite you to consider how you are cultivating your abundance. How are you experiencing the possibility? How do you experience your abundance consciousness? How do you notice abundance in all moments? How do you feel into your Yes? How do you notice the opening in every moment? How do you celebrate the tiniest progress in your vision? All of these are elements of abundance consciousness.
Abundance is the root of freedom. I'm excited to deepen into this. I'm excited to hear your reflections and what stirs and comes up for you and your creation majesties. I witness you, I celebrate you, I love you. I thank you for pouring into I experiment in all the ways you do. I thank you for listening. I thank you for holding space for the birthing of the sacred texts and these sacred stories that are coming forth from the movements, and from our communions, and from our sistership.
Here we grow! Have a beautiful, beautiful, majestic, vibrant, generative, amazing Fertile Friday, and all the other days as well.
Word map generated by the transcription record of this love note
A Note on Mother Mother’s labors for the creation of this Fertile Friday love note | Dancing to feel into the stories for today’s shares | Making notes + mapping shares in sacred text book | Selecting music and preparing audio tracks | Recording love note | Transcribing and editing love note | Developing the graphics | Creating audio-video fo love note | Building the post | Editing design and layout | Sending out the newsletter | Proofreading and making additional edits | Soothing crying/bickering/hangry children and nursing little people throughout the two days it took to birth this love note
where do you share your stories?
Ask a question + share your story with us. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more and to join the Garden, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center.
Are you feeling inspired to share the love?
Thank you for witnessing our sacred labors in the Garden. If any part of this love nourished your being as a creator, please pour into our Giving Well. If there is someone you think would appreciate communing with this post or other shares inside Seed & Spark, please share and post this link with your lovelies and wherever else your spirit moves you. Thank you for being here!