The Majesty Of My Booty Consciousness
Hello Radiant One! Welcome to Seed & Spark: Journal of the Fertility Abundance Garden. Thank you for being here and witnessing our labors to share our sacred stories. Our stories are our wealth and in the Garden we are discovering the bounty of our stories and how to apply that wealth to the cultivation of our abundance. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, and a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more about the Garden or to join as a creator, please visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center. If someone forwarded this post to you and you want to receive your own, subscribe to Seed & Spark and receive the Fertile Friday love note every week that highlights new shares in the journal. So much life, labor, and love goes into creating and sustaining the Garden and everything we share. The Garden is sustained by the kindness and generosity of creators and supporters. If any part of our magical world touches your heart and nourishes your being as a creator, please do pour into our Giving Well or join a Sustainability Circle today. If you are already contributing to our bounty, THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE!
The Majesty Of My Booty Consciousness
Fertile Friday Love Note
Listen to the unabridged Fertile Friday love note. Story of the photo is below.
By mother mother binahkaye joy
20 May 2022
Amazing, Galactic, Wondrous Fertile Friday, Magnanimous Creators!
Where do you enjoy sharing your stories?
Whenever I go {fill in the blank}, I feel happy.
What book do you want to write?
I greet you from the porch sanctuary where munchkins are bouncing around. And construction is happening, and dirt and mud is being mixed. Birds are chirping, and bees are buzzing. Spring is in bloom all the way.
I am sitting with the acorn sermon, the generative rumination that is stirring for a fertility sermon. I’m developing the acorn sermon for it. The acorn is the seed sermon of what will become a larger constellation of scriptures and texts and things. This sermon is called All the Possibilities of Yes. It was sparked by Creator Netsenet sharing a story from her journey and that line stood out to me, “all the possibilities and yes.” And I was like, “Oh, that's going to be a sermon!”
So I've been sitting with it for a few weeks now, and then today in my movement practice I wanted to be with it in an embodied way. I felt for this music that would open and soften the way into discovery for what I’m feeling and what is slowly making its way into words: all the possibilities of Yes. What I came to was the offering for today’s love note, the Daily Dancer practice, Possibility Is Round, which is like a companion piece for the development of this sermon, All the Possibilities of Yes.
Italicized words defined and expanded on in the glossary
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Welcome home, Beautiful Creator! If you feel the Yes in your heart and you’re ready to experience more engagement in the Garden, connect with other amazing creators, attend our live gatherings, and access the magic of the Creators Portal, please visit the Sanctuary to complete the process for joining the Creators Circle. In the Sanctuary you can confirm or reconfirm conscious participation. If you are joining the Garden for the first time, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center to begin your journey. Thank you for being here!
See below to dance along with Mother Mother in a gentle, invitational practice, Possibility Is Round.
Possibility Is Round is activating deeper presence with the round motion, the round movements. I was moving with the round movements, the booty rolls specifically, that for me embody the circle, embody the fullness of opportunity. When we move in a circle we’re moving through all the possibilities of any given moment. Everything echoes to us a roundness.
Our creation frequencies flow in circles. The Earth is spinning. The moon is spinning around the Earth. The Earth is spinning around itself. The Earth is spinning around the sun. The sun is spinning around itself. The sun is spinning around the center of the Milky Way. All the planets are spinning their own orbit majesties around the sun, and so on and so on.
So, roundness. Possibility is round, which also makes me think of our round light currency that we’re discovering in the Garden, the lumens. That the exchange that happens when we share our stories, our brilliance, our wealth with each other— that exchange is round. It’s not predetermined, and it’s not flattened by one value system. There’s multiple, exponential, evolving values at any moment. So that’s another way the roundness is integrated into Garden living. With the movement, I’ve been studying booty movement for a long time now. It’s been vital to my fertility codes, to my fertility consciousness, to my experience as a mother, to my labors birthing my children, those that you can see and the ones that you can’t see.
The roundness, the willingness and the consciousness to be in circular patterns, just like the patterns of the world, of the universe. I am not separate from this. We are extensions of this creation frequency. We are not separate. So that’s why there’s so many correlations. Our body’s water composition is close to the composition of the Earth.
“Possibility Is Round is activating deeper presence with the round motion, the round movements. I was moving with the round movements, the booty rolls specifically, that for me embody the circle, embody the fullness of opportunity. When we move in a circle we’re moving through all the possibilities of any given moment. Everything echoes to us a roundness.”
Explore the practice
Soundtrack: Bugge Wesseltoft Yellow is the Colour | Mammal Hands Quiet Fire | Joe Claussell Je Ka Jo (Demo Version) | Je Ka Jo (Drums Of Passion Mix)
About this practice: Possibility Is Round is a 3-stage progression that invites the embodied experimentation and exploration of round movements in the body’s rotations, through forms and shapes made by the body, and through circular and round patterns the dancing body discovers in the space.
Moving in circles feels very natural to me because I live in a world that is designed with intricate patterns and frequencies of circles and rotations, and cycles that circle. Moving my booty in circles, always felt organic, relevant and essential. I didn’t come into the consciousness of Liberated Booty automatically. The whole jouney— it was seeded from a moment of feeling less-than, a lack of confidence in myself. I didn’t feel strong, I didn’t feel beautiful. I felt insecure about my fertility, and about this upside down relationship I was in. I was not in a good space physically, emotionally, mentally. And I discovered the power as my booty consciousness in that bottom space. I call it the bottom, when you feel really low energy and life is just not a joyful, generative space. In that space, that’s where I discovered, that’s where I first experienced the majesty of my expansive booty consciousness.
From that first moment of experiencing the majesty of my booty consciousness to create more space for me to be inside my own discovery, my own fertility brilliance, my own body brilliance-- everything shifted from that moment. I realized that my body could create its own frequency, and that I could move through life with my own self-initiated frequencies. I could shift and create the vibration I needed in any moment. If I needed joy, if I needed compassion, if I needed warmth, if I needed tenderness-- anything I needed, I could generate that frequency in my dancing body. And then I have more breathing room, and more space and softness to process whatever, to work through whatever.
Story behind the cover photo: Dancing a Love Supreme ritual, summer 2019, sitting with possibilities with Revelation, about 5 moons along. All my starseeds have nicknames before they emerge earthside. Revvy’s nickname was Heart. Beginning with the heart as a place for imagining and connecting with the life growing inside of me, I developed practices that were connected to having an expansive heart space. One of these practices was a starseed communion daily dance ritual. I gathered all the love songs I loved dancing to—from all genres, some soul music, some hip-hop, some gospel, some reggae, some afrobeat, and whatever else I felt pulsed brightly with a love vibration. I would dance to the song of the day over and over again, creating a love frequency immersion for me and the starseed. Inside the space that I created from the movement, I would listen to what this life was asking of me. How it needed me to nourish myself, how it wanted our birth journey to go, who it welcomed in our support circle. When I was dancing I could most clearly sense whatever was necessary for me to know in that now. I learned to trust the movement more and more. I didn’t need to know the future to birth my baby. I only needed to be available to the full presence and possibility of the moment.
The Garden being this world, that is accessible and real to multiple people, is a many-years-in-the-making, life-force practice— a life-force energy of creating space from the internal majesties of one’s being. Creating that space, living into that space, amplifying that space, inviting others to participate in their Yes, and then evolve the possibilities of that space even further.
So many things— the seed frequencies, the roots of why the Garden is, and how the Garden is— are all extensions of tiny, tiny moments of possibility that I felt into, even before I had the consciousness of what was happening, before I had the language of what was happening. I was feeling into those contours of the possibility, of what was there, of what could be there, of what I could imagine. It’s a long labor. I speak about the long labor a lot. That the long labor shouldn’t deter us. It shouldn't hinder us from dreaming, and it shouldn’t— I want to watch my language. I don’t usually use should.
The long labor doesn’t have to be a hindrance. It doesn’t have to be a deterrent. It doesn’t have to discourage us. Everything beautiful is a long labor. That’s why a baby that’s coming, it takes some moons, it takes some months. It doesn’t just happen in that instance. Even then, the egg that you were evolved from existed when your mother was born. So, you’ve been a long time coming, from your birth plus however old your mother was when you were born. It’s at least that long that you’ve been in some elemental form of matter, of possibility.
“So many things— the seed frequencies, the roots of why the Garden is, and how the Garden is— are all extensions of tiny, tiny moments of possibility that I felt into, even before I had the consciousness of what was happening, before I had the language of what was happening. I was feeling into those contours of the possibility, of what was there, of what could be there, of what I could imagine.”
How did I get here? The long labor and possibility is round. And this being another dimension of the Liberated Booty practice and consciousness, and another invitation to support creators who are new to their body brilliance to new to moving their bodies in round ways, and new to the process of extracting majesties from that body brilliance. I think this offering will be juicy and generative and fun. I think it will also help me feel into the acorn sermon for All the Possibilities of Yes. There’s a lot here, a lot of juicy juicy here.
Thank you for witnessing me. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing in this possibility of expansion as we speak and talk through these moments. Thank you for holding the space, sharing feedback, and offering your experiences and stories and insights into the creation of what can be. It all is nourishing. It all is welcome in the journey of becoming a sistership and creating this world, the world that we live in called the Garden.
Thank you! Happy happy, blessed, blessed, magical, magical, abundant, abundant, juicy, juicy, fertile, Fertile Friday!
Word map generated by the transcription record of this love note
A Note on Mother Mother’s labors for the creation of this Fertile Friday love note | Dancing to feel into the stories for today’s shares | Selecting music and preparing audio tracks | Recording love note | Transcribing and editing love note | Developing the graphics | Creating audio-video fo love note | Building the post | Editing design and layout | Sending out the newsletter | Proofreading and making additional edits | Bouncing around with little people throughout the day | Late night edition
where do you share your stories?
Ask a question + share your story with us. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more and to join the Garden, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center.
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Thank you for witnessing our sacred labors in the Garden. If any part of this love nourished your being as a creator, please pour into our Giving Well. If there is someone you think would appreciate communing with this post or other shares inside Seed & Spark, please share and post this link with your lovelies and wherever else your spirit moves you. Thank you for being here!