Planting A Field Of Dreams
Sweet Monday Morning Blessings to all, Love-Filled Creators!
I greet you from the standing desk/pulpit/play center of Mother Mother Sanctuary. Bloom and Revvy are at my feet inside the coloring box (formerly bookshelf). Juju continues to ask for granola with “mommy’s milk” (coconut or oat milk). There is frequent squealing and intermittent battles over a prized red teddy bear. Wonder sleeps on in the adjacent room, undisturbed by his siblings’ chaos.
I’ve been in such a dreamy, reflective, imaginative space. I am feeling into the vastness and depths of all my creation dreams. I have soooooo much I want to create, and the more I feel for the Yes, the more pathways I see into all my creations. Seeds that have been sitting and germinating for years are now beginning to show signs of tiny sprouts. I find so much joy in the micro-progressions of a dream. This too is where much of our abundance consciousness is sourced—in the ability to recognize and celebrate every evolution of a dream becoming real.
This weekend I poured a lot of heart energy into visioning the flow of the Garden for our Summer season. My heart is inviting me to rest, and so I’m softly coming to an understanding of what this means and how life in the Garden will evolve. Right now I’m feeling for a softer calendar with fewer live gatherings over the summer, and more energy into creating and sharing soft-time, all-time offerings—things that live on the Creators Portal and that you can engage with in your own sweet time. I really enjoyed the organic unfolding of our S.E.E.D. WordPlay adventure, and I’m dreaming up a bounty of similar shares for the summer Garden. I welcome your thoughts and ideas too, and will share more with you when I feel more clear about our summer vibes.
Our newest offering in the Morning Dances portal is Discovery Dreams. The invitation in this dance practice is to discover something new about your dream everyday. Our dreams nourish us, even in their still-forming state, because they welcome us to live in a space of continuous imagination, generativeness, and possibility. I was led into Discovery Dreams after facing my own limiting thoughts about a vision I’d been seeding for years. I thought something beyond my control had altered the dreamscape and had cut me off from continuing to dream in that direction. For a few days I was feeling sad and like I’d lost my way into the dream. And then I had all this abundance chatter in my ear—most of them my own abundance scripts that have been seeded and watered in the Garden.
What about dreaming in all directions, I kept hearing. I thought anything is possible, the voices whispered to me when I was trying to fall back asleep after nursing little people in the night. Why are you closing your heart off to the unknown because it looks differently than you imagined? THISSSSSSS!!! This was the question that kept tugging on me. At first it seemed to be a nuisance thought, like a gnat that just won’t leave you alone. Then I realized that these were the dream narratives I’d been watering and planting all along to help me in moments just like this one, to support me in the long labors of realizing my dreams when the way grew dark, or cloudy, or unclear.
Discovery Dreams is a perfect place to play if you are currently navigating what feels like a setback, or an obstacle, or that an essential bridge has collapsed—and maybe you were on it at the time! It invites us to consider how our hearts can be open, receptive, and activated in the forwarding of our dreams at all times. The movement is soft and exploratory, gently expanding with deep presence given to the breath and what is feeling good in the body. Each movement is another opportunity to view this moment in more loving and possible ways. Perhaps the setback is an invitation to revisit our intentions and clarify what is really motivating our actions. Maybe the obstacle has appeared so that we experience the power of never-before-used muscles that we need to climb over it. What if the bridge falling through is how we are able to finally see all the boats that available to take us across the river? What if the new way forward is more joyful, more exciting, and seeds more abundance?
At the end of Discovery Dreams I landed in the soft, fertile soil of memories threading the origins of the Morning Dances practices. I recorded a fertility talk, The Evolution of Morning Dances that tells the 5-year journey of how Morning Dances came to be what it is now. The really magical thing is that I didn’t consciously connect the dots until that very moment at the end of Discovery Dreams. In June of 2016 I’d just accepted my calling to become a fertility priestess. There was no “Mother Mother” language, I had two children ages almost-3 and just-turned-1, and we’d just lost our apartment and had to move in with my parents. In The Evolution of Morning Dances I share how, amidst so much uncertainty, the vision of the practice first revealed itself as a spiritual directive to dance everyday with the sunrise for one year. I also talk about the other messages spirit was sending me about giving fertility sermons and the two children who would be born during my initiation period, and how now Morning Dances is where the seeds of my fertility sermons are being born. There is so much juiciness and magic in this talk, originally shared in Fertile Majesties, and now at home on the Creators Portal…yaaay! We welcome hearing/witnessing the sacred shares of evolutions in your dreams and spiritual practices, and whatever else surfaces when you listen. Enjoy!
Today’s Soils Lab is an extended journey into the majesty of our dream narratives. You are invited to bring stories about how your dream has shifted and transformed over the days, weeks, months, and years since it was first born in your heart. We’ll also experiment with a creative practice that supports us in identifying and naming the particular dream labors we can do everyday that nurture our dream along. You are always welcome to share your story, whether or not you can participate in the gathering.
There are new chapters to visit with in the Creators Shared Diary. Chapter 51: All My Body Stories Matter was captured during our Movement Lab: Open Discovery. Chapter 52: The Remembrance Itself Is An Unseen Entity was captured in our Soils Lab: Unseen Labors. The Creators Shared Diary is a lovely way to expand the experience of communion inside our live gatherings, especially if you are not able to join or are not interested in joining the call. You can read through our documented brilliance, and then participate in the discoveries by commenting or asking questions in the margins. If you need any assistance accessing or using the Creators Shared Diary, please do let me know.
Have you poured into our Giving Well this month? I welcome your support whenever there is a Yes in your heart to do so. There are so many ways to pour into the love and light that is the Garden. Our Giving Well is here as another portal to support sustainability in the Garden, and as a conscious space to practice giving well, to practice feeling well as you are giving. Thank you to all the creators who have been nourishing the Giving Well, and to those contributing your energy and magic to the Garden in all the ways you feel called to do! I feel it all, and it is much appreciated!
Please take from these offerings only what you need, and leave all else behind. This is your divine journey as a creator. You know what you need at all times.
So much has happened since this love note first began. Multiple rounds of breakfast, lots of spills and clean-ups, breastfeeding and more breastfeeding, breaking up fights, learning new consonant blends, playing word games, stacking alphabet boxes, changing diapers, and remembering to feed myself—a big win for Mother Mother Be! My right leg is slightly numb, propped on the lone shelf of the coloring box to balance Revvy’s head as he nurses himself to sleep on my lap. This is a bit of a precarious position, but I’ve got the weight balanced just right so that he won’t fall. Hopefully he finishes nursing before my leg goes all the way to sleep!
I love you and I celebrate you!
Have you danced today? Check out Discovery Dreams and feel into the possibilities of all the ways your dream can come to life!