fertility dreams lab

Customized Fertility Wellness & Creative Process Generation for Mothers & Women


Only we can name our wildest fertility dreams.

As mothers and women, our fertility and creativity are inextricably linked. How we feel about our fertility, whether or not we have children or want to have children, affects how deeply we engage with our creativity. Ultimately, our fertility is an expansive and majestic source of energy that we can apply to any aspect of our lives. When we fully embody its abundant, life-giving power it has the capacity to transform our world in infinite ways.

The Fertility Dreams Lab creates space for you to become more intimately engaged with your fertile and creative magic. We use writing, dance, storytelling, movement rituals, and creative practice methodologies to explore, identify, and amplify the realities of your own fertile radiance.


Movement journeys

Dancing strengthens our capacity to author authentic narratives in our body. Regular, positive, generative movement is a critical part of sustaining fertility wellness, as how we think and feel about our fertility is experienced in every part of our bodies, and especially reverberates through our reproductive center. These personalized dance sessions support a deepening, expansive connection to your fertility story, and enhance your receptivity to activating specific points of opportunity in your personal fertility process.

listening session

The specific language we use to tell our fertility stories gives us unique insights into what we feel and what we believe about the possibilities of our fertility and creativity. In these one-on-one dialogue sessions you will be supported in opening up your sacred fertility journeys and accessing honest, transparent, and authentic words to express your story.


Writing is one of the most powerful ways to access our authentic feelings and understandings about our fertility. The Fertile Blooms Responsive Journaling process supports you through the labors of finding and articulating your own words. In doing so you’ll uncover new opportunities for shaping, shifting, or reinventing yourself, your creative practice, and your relationship to your fertility.

creative practice

Creativity stimulates possibility, and our fertility is sourced by constant engagement with shifting and emerging possibilities. Everyday we are presented with moments that invite us to use our creativity to solve problems, think outside of our usual patterns, and experiment with new ways of being. In the Fertility Dreams Lab we try out creativity practices that encourage a more abundant flow of self-generated creative inspiration and encourage you to take delight in experimenting and playing with daily applications of more creativity.


Explore your fertility dreams today!

For more information on participating in the Fertility Dreams Lab, sliding scale registration options, and to request a complimentary consultation with Binah, please connect with us today.


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writings about Fertility Dreams