Gratitude Seeds Abundance: A Ringshout
Hello Radiant One! Welcome to Seed & Spark: Journal of the Fertility Abundance Garden. Thank you for being here and witnessing our labors to share our sacred stories. Our stories are our wealth and in the Garden we are discovering the bounty of our stories and how to apply that wealth to the cultivation of our abundance. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, and a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more about the Garden or to join as a creator, please visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center. If someone forwarded this post to you and you want to receive your own, subscribe to Seed & Spark and receive the Fertile Friday love note every week that highlights new shares in the journal. So much life, labor, and love goes into creating and sustaining the Garden and everything we share. The Garden is sustained by the kindness and generosity of creators and supporters. If any part of our magical world touches your heart and nourishes your being as a creator, please do pour into our Giving Well or join a Sustainability Circle today. If you are already contributing to our bounty, THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE!
Gratitude Seeds Abundance: A Ringshout
Fertile Friday Love Note
By Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy
17 June 2022
We’ve reached the end of another holy season in the Garden! Today’s love note is a ringshout for gratitude, a dance of celebration, an embodied prayer circle for continued miracles and blessings.
A ringshout is a reimagined portal of dream activation seeded by my ancestral foremothers who were once enslaved on plantations in the American South, that takes the shape of a counterclockwise movement processional traveling through dimensions of time and space. Dancing the ringshout nourishes my fertility consciousness and keeps me ever-present with my power as a creator. Moving in tandem with the Earth, the counterclockwise orbits that I make in the space mirror the spin of the planet we call home.
In this 45-minute ringshout, offered here in 3 parts, I dance continuously for the full duration of the ringshout, honoring the integrity of the spin and the creation majesties it holds. I wanted to record this offering as the final Fertile Friday love note of the Spring 2022 Garden to celebrate the synthesis of my labors as Mother Mother.
Six years ago I was just beginning to find my way into the fertility sermons I felt called to birth. I hadn’t yet connected that the dance rituals I was discovering were also the soil from which my sermons would grow. I was attempting to sit down, open a blank page in my journal, and write. Some things were surfacing, but I couldn’t grasp the enormity of what was coming forth with pen and paper. I had to be in motion, and then the sermons began to stream like water.
The ringshout is where my sermons are born. It’s been a long, slow labor. In these many spirals and experiments, the ringshouts have helped me realize the most generative way for my sacred texts to emerge is through my dancing body. I give thanks that my sermons are here! And I am excited that Dancing Mother will be the laboratory for a new creation that is gently weaving itself forward from vision to reality.
Ringshout for Regeneration is a soft-time practice portal and monthly collaborative-time ringshout discovery. For years now I’ve been sitting with how to share the practice of the ringshout as a healing, divination, and dreamcasting methodology. In the upcoming Summer Garden, I am going to open up some of my most cherished ringshout stories in the Fertile Awakenings Story Lab.
Throughout the ringshout, you’ll hear me say, Gratitude seeds abundance. What are you grateful for? This beautiful, spirited, sweat-popping, booty-dropping ringshout journey is an invitation to matter your heart, your life, your dreams, to say by name what it is you feel grateful for, to dance and expand the frequencies of gratitude in your whole body.
You are welcome to dance along with me, to feel for your own joyful movements, to shimmy, and shake, and spin. Dance as long as you need to. Sweat as much as you have to. Feel everything you can. There is so much to be thankful for. Enjoy the dance!
Italicized words defined and expanded on in the glossary
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Welcome home, Beautiful Creator! If you feel the Yes in your heart and you’re ready to experience more engagement in the Garden, connect with other amazing creators, attend our live gatherings, and access the magic of the Creators Portal, please visit the Sanctuary to complete the process for joining the Creators Circle. In the Sanctuary you can confirm or reconfirm conscious participation. If you are joining the Garden for the first time, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center to begin your journey. Thank you for being here!
Soundtrack: Tony Allen Gbedu | Olatunji Jin-Go-Lo-Ba (Jin-Go-Low-Bah)
“A ringshout is a reimagined portal of dream activation seeded by my ancestral foremothers who were once enslaved on plantations in the American South, that takes the shape of a counterclockwise movement processional traveling through dimensions of time and space. Dancing the ringshout nourishes my fertility consciousness and keeps me ever-present with my power as a creator. Moving in tandem with the Earth, the counterclockwise orbits that I make in the space mirror the spin of the planet we call home.”
Soundtrack: Louie ‘Lou’ Gorbea Gorbea (Omi Tutu Drum Beats) | Lokkhi Terra, Dele Sosimi Afro Sambroso (Gabriele Poso Remix)
“Six years ago I was just beginning to find my way into the fertility sermons I felt called to birth. I hadn’t yet connected that dance rituals I was discovering were also the soil from which my sermons would grow. I was attempting to sit down, open a blank page in my journal, and write. Some things were surfacing, but I couldn’t grasp the enormity of what was coming forth with pen and paper. I had to be in motion, and then the sermons began to stream like water.”
Soundtrack: Luedji Luna Banho de Folhas | T. Kolai Zouk | Chico Hamilton Conquistadores
“The ringshout is where my sermons are born. It’s been a long, slow labor. In these many spirals and experiments, the ringshouts have helped me realize the most generative way for my sacred texts to emerge is through my dancing body. I give thanks that my sermons are here!”
Moving Pictures Gallery
where do you share your stories?
Ask a question + share your story with us. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more and to join the Garden, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center.
Are you feeling inspired to share the love?
Thank you for witnessing our sacred labors in the Garden. If any part of this love nourished your being as a creator, please pour into our Giving Well. If there is someone you think would appreciate communing with this post or other shares inside Seed & Spark, please share and post this link with your lovelies and wherever else your spirit moves you. Thank you for being here!