My Fertility Sustains Me
Hello Radiant One! Welcome to Seed & Spark: Journal of the Fertility Abundance Garden. Thank you for being here and witnessing our labors to share our sacred stories. Our stories are our wealth and in the Garden we are discovering the bounty of our stories and how to apply that wealth to the cultivation of our abundance. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, and a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more about the Garden or to join as a creator, please visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center. If someone forwarded this post to you and you want to receive your own, subscribe to Seed & Spark and receive the Fertile Friday love note every week that highlights new shares in the journal. So much life, labor, and love goes into creating and sustaining the Garden and everything we share. The Garden is sustained by the kindness and generosity of creators and supporters. If any part of our magical world touches your heart and nourishes your being as a creator, please do pour into our Giving Well or join a Sustainability Circle today. If you are already contributing to our bounty, THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE!
my fertility sustains me
Pivotal expansions and new developments in the evolution of the Enterprise seed
By mother mother binahkaye joy
14 january 2022
Early in the life of the Garden, I began discovering different seeds of fertility abundance. The seeds would reveal themselves to me during my dance practices, through dialogues and communions with other creators, inside the fading scenes of my pre-dawn dreams, from recovered passages in my writing that took on new meaning the more I meditated on my superpowers as a creator.
For the first seasons of the Garden in 2020, there were daily seeds, and then there were weekly seeds, and then there were seasonal seeds. I shared these seeds through curated collections of stories, essays, movement videos, fertile soundscapes, fertility talks, recordings, and other offerings. At first the seed discoveries were delivered via email as lengthy love notes, then as fantastically designed pdf packets, and then as a virtual hub with interactive realms called the Creators Portal.
Each piece of the seed discovery was an invitation to feel into the depths of one’s own sacred stories, to ask tender, heart-stirring questions like, How does this seed bring light to the parts of me that I have hidden away? How is this seed an invitation into a more loving exploration of my life and my creative practices? Where do I feel most inspired to cultivate this seed?
Along with sensing, considering, and realizing the many connections that a seed activates, we also shared generously with each other what was being awakened in our personal journeying. We recognized that our stories are our wealth, and so sharing our stories with each other enhances the healing, creations, and abundance cultivation that is possible for all of us.
Have you recently or previously joined the Garden?
Welcome home, Beautiful Creator! If you feel the Yes in your heart and you’re ready to experience more engagement in the Garden, connect with other amazing creators, attend our live gatherings, and access the magic of the Creators Portal, please visit the Sanctuary to complete the process for joining the Creators Circle. In the Sanctuary you can confirm or reconfirm conscious participation. If you are joining the Garden for the first time, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center to begin your journey. Thank you for being here!
The more I created, and the more everyone engaged with the practices, the more the processes seemed to stretch and morph. I breathed and wondered what was happening. Every time I thought I had an understanding of the rhythms of seed creation, it would change. I trusted the fluctuations. I kept feeling my way through the birth of multiple iterations of every seed. This is an experiment, I told myself and everyone else often.
The Enterprise seed first appeared to me in the April 2020 Garden, but I was reluctant to share it. I thought it was too raw, too unformed beyond my feelings. It was our very first season, long ago when I hadn’t yet found language for what this magical world of the Garden was. All I had was the name of the seed and its initiatory affirmation/luminous scripture: My fertility sustains me.
dance & celebrate your radiant fertile majesties!
Soundtrack | Boddhi Satva Siriri (Instrumental Mix)
In the beginning, the words I could gather to express the urgent reason of the Enterprise seed were something I held inside. They went something like this: The Garden must exist outside of capitalism. There can be no financial barriers to anyone who feels called to be here. This is a place where capitalist systems do not apply.
It would be almost two years more before that beam of certainty widened in a way that showed me more of the full picture. Now I see and am ready to articulate more clearly to everyone who is witnessing and participating in the Garden. The Garden has to be this new world, spirit kept signaling to me, a place where creators who feel the Yes in their hearts can birth new ways, new economies, new forms of currency and systems of exchange that actually feel good, restorative and sustainable. We need space to dream!
Mother Lucille Clifton says, We cannot create what we can’t imagine, and so it is that the Garden is a space where we are actively dreaming and imagining more and more ways for our fertility to be our sustenance. We are making space in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, in our language, in our life rhythms—in all the ways we can—we are making space for another way of living and sustaining, of loving and creating, to be real.
I shared the first installation of the Enterprise seed as a one-day seed discovery in the June 2020 Garden. I later reintroduced it as our seasonal seed exploration for the Winter 2021 Garden. At the end of that season it felt like we’d only begun to get at the surface of the seed and that as a congregation we needed more time with it. I announced that, instead of changing seed focus for the Spring 2021 Garden, we would shift into orbital seeds, and spend the whole Garden orbit (our orbit, or year, is from April to March) guided by the illuminations of a central seed. This would give us soft, slow vibrations to stay inside the Enterprise seed. Unbeknownst to me, a single orbit around the sun still wouldn’t be enough to open up every part of the Enterprise seed. It would be yet another beginning, another holy initiation.
more seeds for the 2022-2023 orbit, inspired by the enterprise seed
We’ve been discovering greater dimensions of the Enterprise seed for over a year now. And we are still rooting and expanding in the bounty of this seed. I am celebrating the continuous expansion and evolution of every seed. There is no longer a fixed timespan for any seed exploration. Whenever and however you enter the Garden, you are welcome to journey into whichever seeds resonate with your calling as a creator. In the Garden we are intentionally creating in round ways and liberating ourselves from the confines of linear paths. Any point along the spiral can be where we choose to begin.
Slowly, turbulently, and at times reluctantly, I arrived at a freeform seed creation practice. By embracing the invitation to really peel back the layers of the seeds, I could see that the stories brought forth were generating new creations and activating healing in phenomenal ways—for the storytellers and the story witnesses. The deeper I got into the majesties of seed creation, the more I saw that the honest discovery of every seed would be ongoing. For me the seed creations are a core part of my life’s work. I am jubilantly devoted to the continued discovery, experimentation, and applications of these magical seeds of fertility abundance.
At the beginning of the Spring 2021 Garden I recorded this fertility talk about the discoveries so far into the Enterprise seed. In this excerpt I talk about how I arrived at the language of ‘enterprise’ and why the Garden must exist outside of a capitalist system.
The Winter Garden opens in just a few days. I am excited for us to welcome more seed expansions in the coming orbit. For many months now, the seeds of Language, Time, and Regeneration have been pulsing and inspiring new creations for me. This is a beautiful moment for continuing to deepen into the Enterprise seed, and to cultivate the seeds that have also illuminated themselves as vital parts of nurturing our enterprises. The language we use to speak about ourselves, our dreams and everything we are growing shapes how we experience our creation majesties. Our perceptions and understandings of time—whether we feel we have enough or have the freedom to make it our own—greatly effects how we move through our days, hours, and minutes. The consciousness that we possess the power to regenerate, recreate, and restore ourselves—and the very cells that comprise our divine bodies—is another way we live inside the abundance everyday.
All the seeds of fertility abundance are connected, like stars in a constellation. They touch and inform one another, each one nourishing our soil of creation in ways that are unique to how we feel called to create in this life. I love, love, love being in the wilderness of our dreamscapes with the creators in the Garden. Story by story, we reveal more and more pathways to the abundance. With courage, with vulnerability, we speak, we dance, we sing, we write. With every share we access and amplify the wealth of our own becoming, the very sustenance from which we can nourish the one and the many.
where do you share your stories?
Ask a question + share your story with us. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more and to join the Garden, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center.
Are you feeling inspired to share the love?
Thank you for witnessing our sacred labors in the Garden. If any part of this love nourished your being as a creator, please pour into our Giving Well. If there is someone you think would appreciate communing with this post or other shares inside Seed & Spark, please share and post this link with your lovelies and wherever else your spirit moves you. Thank you for being here!